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U-Ship for dogs?

I ran across this link this morning and am just wondering if anyone has ever heard of it:

As I understand this, freight transporters bid on shipping your pet in their trucks alongside boxes and other 'stuff'. People actually think this is an acceptable way to transport an animal? I can't be the only one shaking my head over this concept. Or am I?

Re: U-Ship for dogs?

Has anyone used this?

I saw it reading the Retriever Life Magazine, and it looks very promising and great for our pets.

Re: U-Ship for dogs?

With extreme heat, can't ship regular cargo, so client booked through this PetAir service where the dogs fly in the cabin with attendants. At the drop off office, puppy received a special ID collar tag and instead of being cooped up in their travel crates, they are cared for by pet sitters until boarding. I guess rest of trip went well as the pup arrived nice and clean without messing in crate as they walked him at the lay over airport.
So far, so good!

Re: U-Ship for dogs?

Is this for real?
I ran across this link this morning and am just wondering if anyone has ever heard of it:

As I understand this, freight transporters bid on shipping your pet in their trucks alongside boxes and other 'stuff'. People actually think this is an acceptable way to transport an animal? I can't be the only one shaking my head over this concept. Or am I?

I have used this site 3 times and would use them again. Some people only ship pets/animals I wouldn't use them. You have to be really picky in who you use and if they show up and you don't like where the dog is riding tell them thanks but no thanks. I always use someone that ships boats,campers,four wheeler and they only want one dog. The dog rides up front with them in the A/C and so far all have been very clean.

Re: U-Ship for dogs?

Just used Uship for the 1st time,and would absolutely use them again.I spoke with the couple before,during and after they transported my dog.He arrived clean and happy.