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Breed Judges

Is there someway to look up which judges own which breeds? I know of a few lab breeder that are lab judges. I am looking into entering shows on my own and was wondering what to look for and who to avoid. Any help would be great! TIA

Re: Breed Judges

If you go to the Judge's Directory at AKC the judge's initial breed is sometime listed. Also on InfoDog under their directory if the judge has completed their profile it would be there.

If I have an unknown judge to me I go see which shows they have judged and what they put up. Is it always handlers? is it always same color? have they done any specialties or supported entries?
Remember who I think is a good judge you might find you don't like-- it is many times based on if they put you or your friend up. But there are some highly respected lab judges out there that are not or were never a lab breeder and there are some lab breeder judges who are inconsitent and I would not show to.

Re: Breed Judges

Very valid points! I didn't know you could see which judges put up which dogs. I know you can see how many points were awarded from the judge but I never knew they would specify! Thank you very much!