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Proving Your Stud

I have a young stud dog who is producing nicely. I would like to get opinions on which puppies are the best to keep to prove a stud. For example, if there is a very nice boy and a very nice girl which would you keep and show to intrigue the interest of other breeders to appreciate what your boy is producing. Do breeders look more at the boys or the girls to see how a stud is producing? Or does it make any difference?

Re: Proving Your Stud

I say keep/show the best no matter what the sex.

Re: Proving Your Stud

To me, I don't care about gender so much as seeing pups out of different dams, sired by the stud. This way I can tell if the stud is prepotent to throw the characteristics that I want, enabling myself to breed up on the girl the pups will be out of.

Re: Proving Your Stud

successful breeders go back beyond the stud dog being considered, they look at what his sire has produced and maybe even what the grand sire had produced as well to get an idea of what is being passed on as a strong trait through that line

Re: Proving Your Stud

Truth of it is, if you have a good stud they will come. Show your boy and his best puppy or two at a Specialty and if he is good they will find you!

Re: Proving Your Stud

successful breeders go back beyond the stud dog being considered, they look at what his sire has produced and maybe even what the grand sire had produced as well to get an idea of what is being passed on as a strong trait through that line

I place greater empahsis on what the sire's dam produces. A strong bitch line is really important in a stud dog.