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Mucus from a pregnant girl?

My girl is 6 weeks pregnant and I noticed today that her hair on her hocks/ "pants" where a bit sticky... I haven't noticed any discharge from her so it can't be much, but enough to get the hair on her back legs sticky... is this normal at this stage?

Re: Mucus from a pregnant girl?

Yes, perfectly normal and is due to hormones. Bet she is having a big litter!

Re: Mucus from a pregnant girl?

Thanks... oh boy, I am hoping for 5-7 puppies! LOL
Can I exercise her like the others at this stage?

Re: Mucus from a pregnant girl?

My girl is 6 weeks pregnant and I noticed today that her hair on her hocks/ "pants" where a bit sticky... I haven't noticed any discharge from her so it can't be much, but enough to get the hair on her back legs sticky... is this normal at this stage?

Sure, it's normal. It was brought up in an earlier thread about a pregnant girl's pregnancy symptoms. I think you asked and there were replies including the stickies.

My girls show sticky spots beginning earlier then 6 weeks but it's a sure sign of pregnancy at 2 to 4 weeks here. Maybe you missed the earlier signs. I watch for it immediately after urination. I always see it but I keep a close watch for it. No ultrasounds done, no need for it.

Re: Mucus from a pregnant girl?

After 6 weeks I would not exercise her hard.

Re: Mucus from a pregnant girl?

After 6 weeks I would not exercise her hard.

What do you see as hard exercise? I was just thinking about taking them for a free run at our spot for about an hour or so....