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cooling coats

Has anyone used the cooling coats made with chamois? I saw them at a show and thought they were a bit expensive. A friend uses one on her Boxer and likes it. Feedback from lab owners would be appreciated. This summer has been exceptionally hot. Thanks.

Re: cooling coats

I tried a towel soaked in cool water for our old LP guy- he just got warmer. It worked much better when he layed on it. Something that goes under the belly would work better. I can see where those would work on a Boxer, tho- they don't have a waterproof coat like our Labs do.

Re: cooling coats

I personally would not recommend a Chamois coat for significant cooling unless you have your dog Lay on it when wet in their crate. Those types of coats get heavy when soaked and do not allow any evaporation over the back of the dog. The combination of a Labrador's thick waterproof coat and the heavy wet Chamois over the top, I believe it has the potential to make them actually warmer. Think a heavy wet layer over insulating fur.

If your dog is going to be standing out in the sun, one of the white mesh or reflective silver mesh coats that you can both soak in cold water will work better. Otherwise a coat or a mat that puts the cool surface against the belly, armpits and groin is best .