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Elk Antlers

Anyone have a good source for bulk antlers. We have a couple of rescues that are hard chewers. So far these are a hit but cost me $22.00 for one 6 inch piece. Obviously worth their weight in gold if they stop the destructive chewing but they will probably leave with them when they go which means I can drop another 20 to replace them.

Any other thoughts or ideas appreciated.

Re: Elk Antlers

I just picked some up a few weeks ago in Waukesha and I didn't pay that much, but don't remember how much. I kept their card -

Re: Elk Antlers

Re: Elk Antlers

These people are very nice, they may give you a break on bulk antlers because of all the rescue work you do Tari, you can call or email them.,2002,3039&pid=11363M

Re: Elk Antlers

You might try here, too:

I have ordered from her a number of times; if the shipping is less than what she quoted, she sends you a refund, she also includes extra antlers once in a while. Let her know you do rescue work.

Re: Elk Antlers

Anyone have a good source for bulk antlers. We have a couple of rescues that are hard chewers. So far these are a hit but cost me $22.00 for one 6 inch piece. Obviously worth their weight in gold if they stop the destructive chewing but they will probably leave with them when they go which means I can drop another 20 to replace them.

Any other thoughts or ideas appreciated.

If you have friends or friends of friends that deer hunt or a local butcher that process deer, have them save the antlers for you. Cheap is good, free is better and just as good. You can soak them in bleach water, let them air dry as the bleach evaporates....there ya go.