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Any bug pros on the list? What is it about locusts that the dogs go nuts for them? They hear them, then hone in on where they are and the chase is on.... Even my papillons will chase one down and devour it.~ It can't just be the noise that makes them go after them....They taste good, obviously!~ Caviar to dogs for sure~

ugh, I hate hearing the crunching going on~ ha!

Re: Locusts

Awww Sherry! What's a little extra protein? LOL


Re: Locusts

ha! But why locusts?? I am in the country.....choice of bugs here : ) But they don't mess w/ any bugs BUT locusts~ Nothing like the excitement I guess of chasing and eating locusts.. They try to steal them from each other even~

Now that's it has cooled off just a tad and we've had some moisture, the toads are coming back out. The young ones have to learn about that's a funny sight. When a youngster goes after a toad, the older ones look at each other and me... They know what's coming for the youngster in learning you don't mess w/ toads~

Re: Locusts

Maybe it's just another one of nature's ways to limit locusts :)

Maybe you can develop a breed where there function is to eliminate locusts :)

Just make the standard simple !