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Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Gimme a break!
Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

And obviously you can't tell a TYPO from a grammar error! Go bark up another tree, "Gimme a Break!".

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Gimme a break!
Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

And obviously you can't tell a TYPO from a grammar error! Go bark up another tree, "Gimme a Break!".

This is my 1st time back. No need for me to reply.