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Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

Traci I am so sorry for your loss as well as April's. Knight was such a sweet boy and full of breed type. I was honored one year at LRCP Bare Bones to handle him in the ring for BOB.....he was a delight!

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

So very sorry to hear of your loss .. God speed, Knight.

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

I am sorry to hear this. I remember him as a puppy out with Rusty, has it been that long? Godspeed Knight!

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

I'm so sorry for your and April's loss, Traci. He was a great dog, sweet as they come.

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

Even thought I am new to the breed, I can see the mark Knight has made in the breed. He has been able to "stamp" each of his litters with his wonderful personality and beautiful looks. RIP Knight...

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

Such a sad loss. How fast time flies. Knight was a very impactful member of our labrador community. I too have very fond memories of helping socialize him at the Cleveland IX center and watching him get looks from everyone who saw him

Godspeed Knight - know that your legacy is safe and secure.

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

So very sorry over the passing of such a great Lab both in body and spirit.

Re: Ch Tabatha's Knight CD JH

SO sorry for your loss Traci and Ellie. And also for April. What a sweet soul