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Re: Grass eating on grain free

Yum yum
They probably eat it because spring grass is the tastiest. At least mine think so!
Mine too

Re: Grass eating on grain free

All of my dogs eat grass, my very first dog used to stand in the pasture next to my horse and graze along side him, we used to laugh about my "small black pony", he ate Purina puppy chow and then Nature's Recipe when he was younger and those have plenty of grains. I've been feeding grain free for over 5 years now and the dogs ate grass before I switched and eat just as much now. Since the melted snow is uncovering areas they have plenty of freshly sprouted grass to eat.They are happy little ponies.

Re: Grass eating on grain free

our dogs eat grass all the time and they are on a grain free food. I think if they were grazing in a wheat field, or a corn field, rice or whatever it isn't the same as eating grass. I think it is a normal thing for them to do, they love it,especially new spring grass. They also love to eat bird seed and raid the feeders or wait for the birds to knock it out. Good Fiber

Re: Grass eating on grain free

One out of 4 of mine is a grass eater. I have her mom and 1/2 sister and neither of them eat grass, but she loves it!

Re: Grass eating on grain free

Just to clarify--GRASS is not GRAIN. As others have stated eating grass has nothing to do with their diet...they just LIKE it.


Re: Grass eating on grain free

Both of mine will eat grass on occasion...I call them "Labracows"

Re: Grass eating on grain free

Both of mine will eat grass on occasion...I call them "Labracows"

Ok good,I thought mine were the only grazers out there. It must be the sweet grasses they crave.

Thanks for all the feedback. To MWK, yes I know that grass doesn't have grain in it, but I thought rather they needed some type of plant roughage in their diets.

Re: Grass eating on grain free

Just to clarify--GRASS is not GRAIN. As others have stated eating grass has nothing to do with their diet...they just LIKE it.


Umm... corn is a modified grass.

Re: Grass eating on grain free

GRAIN refers to harvested product from plants such as corn, soybeans, grain sorghum (there is also sorghum sudangrass and forage sorghum which do not produce grain). Grain can be fed-as is to animals or processed into things such as flower, corn meal, etc.

The plant itself is NOT produces grain.

Can you tell I work for an agricultural company?
: )