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"Banana" tail

I have a 7 month old boy who has developed a "banana" tail. When gaited, he carries it level off the back but when stacked or wandering around the house he has a prominent scoop to the tail. It's also been flying up like a flagpole during play. Will the scoop in the tail stay or is it something that may improve with time? He's at an awfully "ugly" stage all over right now and I'm hoping the tail is part of it.

Re: "Banana" tail

In my experience, it will not improve. often the tails are fine when very young, then at about your boys age, the true tail shape/carriage appears. heartbreaking, but I have kept a few because they excelled in other aspects.
I have one bitch with a banana tail, but she is excellent in all other aspects, conformation, movement, health clearances and temperament...I love her! nobody is perfect.

Re: "Banana" tail

I agree. Banana tails don't go away.

Re: "Banana" tail

what is a banana tail.

Re: "Banana" tail
Re: "Banana" tail

Don't know this breeder that put up the site (it's Italian, obviously), but I don't consider any of those tailsets correct. A, the one they say is correct, has a sloping croup and is not correct either.

Re: "Banana" tail

Breeder what do you think of E's tail?

Re: "Banana" tail

E's tailset isn't a sloping croup it's a REALLY low tailset! There is a difference. Neither are good, but I'll take a sloping croup before a dog whose tail looks like it's growing out of its butt!

Re: "Banana" tail

It looks like E's tail is coming out of her butt, more than A. A looks higher.

Re: "Banana" tail

It looks like E's tail is coming out of her butt, more than A. A looks higher.

Yes that's what I said - E's tail is a low tailset, but A merely being a sloping croup. And I said I'd rather have a sloping croup (A) than the really low tailset (E). But neither is correct.

Re: "Banana" tail

Those who have said that banana tails don't fix, may be right....about THEIR dogs with banana tails.

I've had 4 youngsters/teenagers with banana tails completely outgrow it and as adults they carried their tails correctly.

Perhaps it depends on the lines, it might also depend on the patience factor.

Re: "Banana" tail

Your message gave me hope for my boy.
Thank you!
I have a beautiful pick of the litter boy that I adore. Will not give him up no matter what. I would like to show him and was heartbroken when his banana tail not only scooped but was held high when he gets excited. He holds it out beautifully when standing in the yard. Holds it down and almost tucked when racing around the yard. But put him near a girl and it goes up!
I have had folks tell me that his tail will be held normally eventually but to hope that maybe his banana tail will straighten is wonderful.
Could you please tell me at approx what age his tail might be better looking?
I am very patient and he will always be my boy.

Re: "Banana" tail

I had 2 bitches and 2 dogs develop pretty serious banana tails as pups. It broke my heart to watch them in the yard, standing there with this hook over their backs. All 4 did grow out of their "banana tails".

One of my boys fixed around 2 years, the other fixed around 12 months. One bitch fixed around 18 months, another is still outgrowing hers. She is currently 14 months and her tail no longer hooks as she stands freebaiting or when she's on the move. It is now parallel to the ground when she moves or stands there. It still goes up when she's really excited, playing, or full of herself.

I do find that curiosity and attitudes can make banana tails worse. I'm not talking about an aggresive attitude, (although that could too) I mean the "I'm full of myself" attitude. If the puppy is extremely excited or not very socialized, their tails are worse.