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Re: Missing middle bottom tooth? Help

I had a puppy missing a front top tooth. The tooth never came down, I had him until he was 6 months and then placed him. His father is missing 3 teeth on the sides of the mouth and his mother has full dentition. IMO missing teeth can be on the side of the mouth and also in the front teeth. If it is still missing after all of the rest of the teeth come in I think it is going to stay missing. I never did any x-rays to find out if the tooth was there and did not drop down.

Re: Missing middle bottom tooth? Help

Allison Rogers
I have a pup who seems to be missing the front bottom dead center in the middle tooth. There are usually two teeth in the middle on the bottom and the rest spread out left and right from there.

The other permanent ones along the front have come in (the baby canines should be falling out soon).

Has anyone seen a missing tooth in the middle bottom like this? The pup is young, just four months... (the side teeth are still falling out).

I bring this up because I have never seen missing a front tooth before...will it still come in?

The fronts center top and bottom are usually the very first to come in. This is weird...

Any help or advice would be appreciated. Oh and FYI no history of teeth issues in the parents. Grandfather had some side missing teeth.


I just had a puppy boy that was missing the same front bottom tooth. At 6 month, he had all his front adult teeth except that one. At 7 month the missing tooth showed up way too low in the gum and it was making its way to the top. He still had the baby tooth when I placed him at 8 month and the permanent tooth was almost there. I placed him for other reasons. I was almost convinced that I was going to place him anyway, so I didn't do x-rays.

Re: Missing middle bottom tooth? Help

Eight years ago when I started to be concerned over the number of dogs with missing teeth I decided to have my litter of four have their mouths x-rayed. Puppies were mildly sedated and x-rays were taken. My vet of thirty years announced that all pups had all their buds for their adult teeth.
Great less thing to worry about! After they had all finished teething two had full dentition. Of the other two, one had two missing pre-molars, the other had one missing pre-molar.
The buds will probably be there on the x-ray, the question is will they erupt!
Good Luck

Re: Missing middle bottom tooth? Help

Diane Wehrheim
Eight years ago when I started to be concerned over the number of dogs with missing teeth I decided to have my litter of four have their mouths x-rayed. Puppies were mildly sedated and x-rays were taken. My vet of thirty years announced that all pups had all their buds for their adult teeth.
Great less thing to worry about! After they had all finished teething two had full dentition. Of the other two, one had two missing pre-molars, the other had one missing pre-molar.
The buds will probably be there on the x-ray, the question is will they erupt!
Good Luck

They won't if there is not enough room due to too short a muzzle!!! Can't grab a duck or goose properly either!

Re: Missing middle bottom tooth? Help

That may be the case sometimes, but I have one that has plenty of space for the 1st lower premolar that didn't come in.

It's there alright, on xray, it just did not break the gum line, the other did come in. This dog is not short muzzled, there was obviously room around the tooth, and she is in fact from multiple generations of high level hunt test and hunting dogs. Don't know which of the premolars were missing in the case of Diane's pups, but it seems like sometimes those first premolars are just too tiny to surface.

I do think you're right in the case of my short muzzled pet girl, who seems to be missing all four backmost molars, they may be there somewhere, like impacted wisdom teeth, or not there at all...