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Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

Not according to a very pronoun Repo Vet. Oxytocin used in very high doses helps shrinks uterus's. This is done for 5 to 7 days in a row. My bitch has a light tinge color of blood(pooled)(same color straw color as if you were breeding) with larger quanities. The light tinge color is good, but the repo vet said as long as the uterus don't extract back to size I will keep getting the blood. I have whelped enough litters to know that what I am experiencing is NOT common. My bitch is on antibiotics and is eating, drinkin, with normal temp. I had a large litter with very large puppies along with a very, very large bloodclot IN the uterus. It was a problem delivery, and my bitches are easy whelpers. When my regular vet did the C, his first comment after bringing the uterus up on the table was, "wow, a huge uterus. So 10 days after surgery, I am still seeing more blood than normal, but lighter color than usual. An untrasound will tell more and won't jump the gun in doing the oxytocin thing as it's not an emergency, but wanted to see if anyone else had any experience doing the oxytocin thing. I want to make sure it's safe, which I wouldn't think a very experienced repo vet would prescribe it unless..... Anyone used this method before??

Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

Never heard of this method. But wouldn't large dosages of Oxy given for that long scar the uterus , and future whelpings would be disasterous ?

Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

Would be of great value to get numerous consult info from other
REPRO VETS> that is where i would head.

Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

OK, will do. If any other breeders or vets out there used this method, please let me know. I would be very grateful. Thank you!

Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

Is this an issue for you or did your vet bring it up? Give her time, don't put her through this if it's not needed. How is she mentally? Is she producing milk? Oxytocin causes painful contractions and it's not without side effects:

Potential adverse reactions

Oxytocin is relatively safe when used at recommended doses, and side effects are uncommon.[68] The following maternal events have been reported:[68]
Subarachnoid hemorrhage
Increased heart rate
Decreased blood pressure
Cardiac arrhythmia and premature ventricular contraction
Impaired uterine blood flow
Pelvic hematoma
Afibrinogenonemia, which can lead to hemorrhage and death
Nausea and vomiting

Excessive dosage or long-term administration (over a period of 24 hours or longer) have been known to result in tetanic uterine contractions, uterine rupture, postpartum hemorrhage, and water intoxication, sometimes fatal.
From wikipedia.

Congratulation on your litter!

Re: Oxytocin used to shrink uterus?

Thank you for your taking the time to post the info. After contacting another Repo vet, I made the decision to work off of blood work to watch the red cell count amongst other things. I believe a blood clot broke loose or something like that, and as long as my bitch is acting normal, I am going let the uterus run its cource and hopefull it will be a self resolving problem. Today the color looked better and not as much blood with more clear mucus, and the blood work came back all in good order. I feel she is on the right track. My bitch is producing plenty of milk, in fact, she has taken in a singleton to feed and he's now FAT. Next time I will plan a C with progesteron testing and maybe an ultrasound to see the heartbeats. Thank you again!