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Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Thanks for posting. This must have been so frightening for the child and parent.

Breeders don't believe me when I tell them this is one of the reasons I won't put my puppies outside when they are young. I even tried leaving the mother with them for protection, but the hawks kept circling until I went out and chased them away. I wouldn't trust a tarp over an expen to stop a hungry bird of prey.

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Even teenage birds are bigger trouble makers. If this is a golden eagle, all that white on the wings indicates to me that it is a juvenile. Whether or not this is a golden eagle, with all the white on it, and whether or not the video was faked with a falconer's bird, as some news outlets claim, an eagle is a formidable bird of prey. According to Cornell University's all about birds sites, they even kill deer, coyotes, bobcat, and other prey.
Laura D. used to live not far from a major raptor rehab center. It is one of our favorite field trips. Those talons are as big as a bear's claws!
I think I liked it when I didn't think any thing that threatening lived near us! Ignorance was bliss!

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

for those of you who were discussing whether eagles would take a puppy need to watch THIS.

I think they can take a puppy or heck even a grown dog.

It's a fake. No secret that any predator can be an opportunist if they are hungry enough and the right conditions exist. I've lived with a family of hawks in the neighboring trees for nearly 30 years and have never once seen them remotely close to swiping a puppy or a small dog. Not that it hasn't happened, but it's nothing to get upset about. Just keep a close eye on them when they are out.

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Trustworthy newspapers and TV have said if it's a fake video, it's darn good one. They're 99% sure it's real.

The Daily News is a hunkajunk newspaper. Don't trust them, it's a rag paper.

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Realistic news only
Trustworthy newspapers and TV have said if it's a fake video, it's darn good one. They're 99% sure it's real.

The Daily News is a hunkajunk newspaper. Don't trust them, it's a rag paper.

Interesting that the link came through I guess they don't know anything either. So it's better to trust the lamestream media? Yeah right!

The school that made the video admitted they added 3D animation to make it look like a toddler was picked up. Quick your bias and gullibility are showing.

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Just do a quick search on Google, there are tons of different places all reporting it as a fake. Still believe? I have a bridge for sale.

Re: Eagles and puppies again.....

Having worked with wildfowl (waterfowl and raptors...owls, hawks and eagles), for 28 years, I am sure that is a less than legitiment video. My guess, a trained Eagle that is going for a duped up dummy (something made to look like a kid).