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Re: litter is "vet bred"

Not an assumption. Dogs from responsible breeders don't end up in shelters BECAUSE responsible breeders take their puppies back. It's a simple concept, can't you get it? On a rare occasion a dog from a responsible breeder can wind up in a shelter but it's not the norm. It has nothing to do with whether a breeder is a small hobby breeder or a large breeder why are you bringing this up?

Your sounding more and more like a BYB that just got wind of anti-breeder legislation. If people have a dislike for BYB's or silver breeders what's it to you? I'm interested in what all breeders are doing whether I agree with them or not. Maybe others want to hear what's going on. Just because you told the OP to MYOB others can't talk about the original post without you judging them, maybe take your own advice, I didn't see where the OP was interfering with anyone. You got on your soapbox and steered the topic to anti-breeding legislation, a whole new topic unrelated to the original post and a depressing one at that, give it a rest for the holiday's.

Give it a rest for the holidays

Are you for real? Please show me your proof of this?

This type of attitude and assumption is why we are losing the fight against the animal rights group. We've become elitist self-righteous and feel that we're the only group who should be breeding dogs. Newsflash, when all the other breeders have be legislated out of existence, who will stand for the very small group of those with whom you deem reputable?

It's one thing to be aware of what's going on around you, but you do so with an open mind. You don't blame or scapegoat all other breeders by saying they're the ones who are somehow responsible for their dogs filling up the shelters. To the breeder haters, we are all responsible for that. There is no justifying your actions. Breeding in itself is irresponsible. I cannot make this stuff up. Have you visited the I Hate Dog Breeders group on FB yet? You want to see why I have had a change of heart about being more open minded and tolerant of other breeders? I strongly suggest you visit that site. It's a real eye-opener about what we're up against. "Why we hate dog breeders? Because they are selfish, money making, puppy producing morons who are responsible for overpopulation and full shelters. Because we choose to save a life instead of buying. That's why. Don't breed or buy while shelter animals die."

Personally I don't care what others think about how others breed unless they are spewing out misinformation, blatant lies, painting everyone with a broad brush on a public forum. This type of behavior is what people latch onto and instead of becoming more open minded and focusing on how better to fight anti-breeding laws, they get side tracked fighting among themselves. I don't understand the intent of the OP to even post this type of trash on here. What was he/she trying to accomplish? Did the OP post this hoping to reinforce the derogatory term used against the breeder? Were they hoping to start a bashfest about how this breeder breeds? Is this a personal vendetta aimed at and eventually exposing a person he/she doesn't like? I don't know. I'm glad it didn't take off in that direction. It was a great opportunity to educate. Which I've done and will continue as long as you want to keep this conversation going. You keep coming up with your twisted, nonsensical assumptions blanketing breeders you know virtually nothing about.

Re: litter is "vet bred"

Shut up already. I'm only talking about newspaper ads and thinking about the irresponsible breeders whose puppies end up in shelters. You need to chill and use your energy to write politicians and lay off of us. Get over yourself! We see and know what's going on.

If you know what's going on, then you'd be writing your legislators as well. But you're just narrow-minded with blinders on thinking that you're safe because of your self appointed morals when you breed.

A survey done by some shelters surveyed roughly 4,000 people about where they had acquired their animals from before relinquishing them to the shelter. About 10% came from breeders, less than 4% came from Pet Stores.

It is also estimated that about 23 million new homes open up annually for a pet. Only about 3-4 million animals die in shelters these days. That leaves about 19-20 millions homes available for pets. How many reputable breeders will be upping their breeding programs if you got rid of all the breeders you deem irresponsible and not worthy to breed? Where will people get their pets from if the market was left up to those you deem reputable if they already have waiting lists a mile long?

Holidays got you down? In a fighting mood or just want to show off? Give it a rest already, shut the hell up at least for the holidays or take it to your facebook page.

Re: litter is "vet bred"

I agree that a big part of being a responsible breeder is to be responsible for every single puppy until the day they die. That includes taking them back when and if the family asks for it. There is a number of people that will not contact the breeder and will take the puppy/dog to a shelter because it is easier. The breeder might live too far away.

Chill, being open minded about being open or closed minded is part of being open minded. Accept that the other people is not as open minded as you are. Keep educating in a nice way and move on.

Re: litter is "vet bred"

BYB's and anti-breeding legislation are two different topics. This thread isn't about anti-breeding legislation, start your own thread. Enough said, your too much, I pity the man that ends up with you. Have a Merry Christmas!

Oh and talk about changing names like people change underwear, it's obvious your (Chill) the only one doing that in this thread.

Re: litter is "vet bred"

I agree that a big part of being a responsible breeder is to be responsible for every single puppy until the day they die. That includes taking them back when and if the family asks for it. There is a number of people that will not contact the breeder and will take the puppy/dog to a shelter because it is easier. The breeder might live too far away.

Chill, being open minded about being open or closed minded is part of being open minded. Accept that the other people is not as open minded as you are. Keep educating in a nice way and move on.

Thank you and you're right about those being closed minded. I am aware of that. I used to be that way myself. I hope that others have learned to be a little more tolerant of other breeders.

And yes, I will keep on educating.

Re: litter is "vet bred"

Wow... Merry Christmas, everyone. My guess is there was a lot of coal handed out this year