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Re: Epilepsy Question

Take a look at There is great info there and instructions on submitting blood to the Univ of Missouri along with submission of pedigree and blood from family members. The Univ of Missouri and other researchers are looking for genetic markers. Please consider submitting blood samples from the affected dog and on as many related dogs as you can.
How old is your dog that is seizing? Not all seizures are caused by idiopathic epi. Since there is no genetic test at this time, many times it is hard to find a cause and those should be considered genetic to protect future generations. I am sorry you are dealing with this. Yrs ago I had another breed and had epilepsy rear its ugly head and it is devastating. And can ruin a breeding program quicker than any issue.

Re: Epilepsy Question

So sorry to hear this. I do hope anyone who has knowledge will share it with the Unv. so we all can breed safer. We hate the thought of passing Epilepsy on if we had any idea it was in our lines. We know so little about it.

Epilepsy Question

Thank you for your responses....
It was quite a horrible experience
All the while he was seizing, I talked to him.
He lay there & would wag his tail.
Even when he tried getting up and could not he was wagging his tail
Not sure if this has anything to do with what happened..
My neighbor came over that evening with her iphone and started taking pictures and the flash was just irritating.
She took maybe 4 pictures, could have been 5, do not remember
The seizure was about 8 hours later
Called the vet and they said just to watch him.
He was great pretty quickly.
I know flashes like that could cause seizures in humans...
Has anyone experienced the same? Just curious

Re: Epilepsy Question

Strobe lighting, or strobe efffect( as when driving down a tree lined street in the early or late hours when the sun is low) has been known to trigger seizures in humans who are susceptible to the strobe effect. However, it would be immediate, not happen eight hours later. In any case, I would not have flash lighting in the dog's presence if you think this may have been a contributing factor.

Re: Epilepsy Question

So sorry you are dealing with this. How old is the puppy? I hope that one day we identify a marker, so that we can avoid producing epilepsy.

Re: Epilepsy Question

18 mos

Re: Epilepsy Question

He is fine....
Fortunately, the people who are taking him do not care, just want to take him home and shower him with love
Could have been a reaction to the Comfortis & Hearguard & combination of the photo flash or it could be genetic... I wish there was a way to know

Contacted the sires owner... nothing in their line
Contacted my girls breeder... nothing in their line

I will never use comfortis again, not worth the risk

Re: Epilepsy Question

could it have been EIC ?

Re: Epilepsy Question

no, sire is clear/clear & mom is carrier.... it happened in the middle of the night, he woke up to it

Re: Epilepsy Question

Time will tell. If he has another episode, or if this was just a reaction to something and a one time thing.

Re: Epilepsy Question

I will keep in close touch with the family.

Tell me, no flames please, I have his sister... would you spay/place her and start over or keep going.

Re: Epilepsy Question

I will keep in close touch with the family.

Tell me, no flames please, I have his sister... would you spay/place her and start over or keep going.

It is too soon to know what you are dealing with, so wait and see. It is great that you will keep in close contact with the family.