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Re: Food allergies- Would you breed?

Donna, i applaud you for coming forward. This hobby can be so frustrating and we need to acknowledge that allergies are an inherited problem in many - not all- situations. i'm so sick of breeders taking such a nonchalant attitude toward perpetuating genetic health issues in their lines. Theese issues are passed on to pet people and it's not fair. The Labrador is supposed to be a sound and healthy breed and when you look at other breeds we are so lucky to have such a big gene pool to draw from. We need to protect our gene pool. i for one am so sick of hearing about not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sometimes thats ok but in general we need to be more vigilant, especially with the current public attitude toward purebred dogs.

One more thing Donna, i had a dog that took my vet several visits/scrapings to eventually find mites. Worth treating or at least investigating....

Re: Food allergies- Would you breed?

One more thing Donna, i had a dog that took my vet several visits/scrapings to eventually find mites. Worth treating or at least investigating....

That is my point exactly. You shouldn't automatically assume that in this case it's an allergy problem when there are so many other possibilities. I am not advocating that a breeder keep and breed "unsound" dogs. I'm trying to impress upon you that you don't give up because it may get a little frustrating. If it turns out to be a real allergy problem and not mites or lice, then by all means spay and place. There is no reason to perpetuate a problem that will haunt you for generations. But find out for sure first.

Re: Food allergies- Would you breed?

For your sake and your dog's sake, don't make any decisions about spaying or breeding while you are frustrated or sad about dealing with this. Give raw food a try. I have been feeding raw for nearly 20 years and I am very happy with the results. It's not a cure all but it does make a positive difference. If your dog has yeasty ears, it is very likely diet related. Cut the carbs - no grains at all. Also, instead of salmon oil, try sardine oil. I use Nature's Logic. Check out the healthy skin kit at - I have seen it work wonders. Raw food doesn't cover up problems - it provides superior nutrition that helps prevent or correct them.

I attended a seminar by Dr. Jean Dodds. Though I have never used her allergy test, I believe she is very knowledgeable. You might also run a thyroid test on your girl as that could be a contributing factor.

It is very clear that you love your girl very much! I wish you the best of luck!

Re: Food allergies- Would you breed?

Raw Feeder
For your sake and your dog's sake, don't make any decisions about spaying or breeding while you are frustrated or sad about dealing with this. Give raw food a try. I have been feeding raw for nearly 20 years and I am very happy with the results. It's not a cure all but it does make a positive difference. If your dog has yeasty ears, it is very likely diet related. Cut the carbs - no grains at all. Also, instead of salmon oil, try sardine oil. I use Nature's Logic. Check out the healthy skin kit at - I have seen it work wonders. Raw food doesn't cover up problems - it provides superior nutrition that helps prevent or correct them.

I attended a seminar by Dr. Jean Dodds. Though I have never used her allergy test, I believe she is very knowledgeable. You might also run a thyroid test on your girl as that could be a contributing factor.

It is very clear that you love your girl very much! I wish you the best of luck!

Absolutely try a raw diet if so inclined - if it helps your bitch, then great. BUT - if she doesn't have mites or something easily curable, DON'T BREED HER! Just because a raw diet might help her allergies doesn't mean you need to pass that issue on to the next generation. I think you've come to the same conclusion based on your previous comments. Good luck with your girl - I'm struggling with an allergy girl too - spayed her for that reason - never fun and always a problem here and there!