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Re: Seizure study info needed

WOW!!!! That is absolutely fantastic.

I have talked to a lot of people since this went up on the Forum in April, 2009. I have not ever breathed one single word about any of the people I talked to, or any of the dogs they told me about. But I can tell you this. Breeders told me they personally knew of many, many other breeders who had seizing dogs. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of dogs/breeders that could contribute blood for the research. If people got behind this research, it would not be long before we would have an answer and a test. I think it is a tragedy that people have not gotten behind this research. I would bet the ranch that we would have an answer by now if the lab community as a whole had participated.

Re: Seizure study info needed

Joan, DVM and others,
Thank you so much for your support and for making this study more public! Having dealt with epi in 2 other breeds, this is so important. I would so much rather be part of the solution and not part of the problem!