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Re: Yeasty bitch

Pro Plan Chicken.

Just wondering... If a puppy was raised on grain free all of it's life and never fed biscuits, how is one to know it has allergies?

This came about after a long time on antibiotics for wound. This is why I am thinking yeast. Was not fed probiotics. Thing I think all vets should tell owners when giving script.

Used antifungal shampoo. Big improvement! Just tired of going to vets and first thing am told is food allergies. Lets all eat expensive vet food. Life would be great!

Thing is a healthy bitch from long line of healthy dogs. All others in the litter great. How on earth can food allergies pop up?

Tired of guessing and vet bills. I will not accept food allergies. We are all allergic to something!

No, I would not breed a bitch with confirmed allergies. Never. I have lived with other breeders bad choices. Not in my yard.

Re: Yeasty bitch

If you saw a big improvement from the ketaconazole shampoo, you should definitely try the oral ketaconazole. It made all the difference in the world for Rocky. The local vet is very good, but clueless in this case. Talk to your vet. Say you want to give it a try. The drug is cheap and can do no harm.

Re: Yeasty bitch

Mine too. Long line of well known dogs no health issues. No allergies at all. Purina does have beet pulp in it though. We ran allergy testing when we ran regular blood work.

Re: Yeasty bitch

Will do testing for yeast on Monday. the will not prescribe the ketaconazole without testing. Said she had to be on it a month. If it is not yeast then the only thing left is food allergies?

Re: Yeasty bitch

If it is yeast consider giving Braggs apple cider viniger and alfalfa tablets. Both ward off yeast (are antifungals)

ACV 1 tbsp daily in food with water added
Alfalfa 300mg 2x/day
Look into oil of oregano capsules as I remember reading somewhere that they are antifungal as well.

good luck finding the answer.

May not be yeast at all

After having 2 friends on opposite coasts have this issue,yeasty greasy coats that were treated with Ketoconazole baths,one also was prescribed the oral med too, it turned out to be something else and not yeast at all,it was Scabies. All the dogs when treated with Revolution every 3 weeks for 6 months were able to break the cycle and their coats cleared of the "yeast" very quickly, both were scraped for scabies and negative for it,the vets did say it doesn't always test positive. One friend did elimination diets,steroids, Benadryl and antibiotics , then the antifungals with no relief. Turns out it wasn't allergies afterall.

Re: Yeasty bitch

Oral Ketoconazole is not harmless (said earlier), it's a big drug.

Re: May not be yeast at all

Scabies does seem to be on the rise--we never had it before. My vet had us do three treatments, one every TWO weeks. Then we go to monthly treatments. We are in winter here, so it may have made it easier to control. The fact that I had it in dogs who never had skin problems before clued me in to ask for Revolution. Skin scrapings were negative, as these are clean dogs who were getting bathed, going down the whole allergy route. We tried it on the two worst ones and they slept through the night after an initial bout of scratching. That was our clue that it was parasitic, and probably scabies Back I went for enough Revolution to treat them all. Anyone who has not been on heartworm preventative should be tested before starting Revolution or ivermectin. The vet said that the Revolution is easier on the oldies than ivermectin. The oldies were not symptomatic, just the middle "kids" going places, so the nonsymptomatic ones have done fine with the label usage of once a month. Frankly, I think I brought it home from a show, given who were affected, but it could have been from local wildlife.

Re: May not be yeast at all

With many vet visits and wrecking the brain. It is highly likely she is allergic to the large plastic bed they use. She often spends her day with her chin resting on the chewed edge. It harbors germs most likely. This bed is only used during colder months as I like them to be able to cuddle up. As of today we will remove the bed. Get her chin healed up. Taken a swab just to see what is harboring there. Bathing chin with Benzoyl peroxide 3%.

It cannot be yeast for sure.

So, if all turns out how we think and she is just fine without her plastic crate bottom and plastic bed, would you breed a bitch that has an allergy to plastic? Guess it is common in dogs from what I read. I would spay her if needed. She is perfect in every other way.

Looking for the light at the end of the tunnel.