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Re: Strange symptoms

Did you give the puppy any vaccines. Could be vaccine paralysis. HOD not in a 6 wk old puppy. Probably is strangles. Had this last year in a puppy and took her to ortho specialist which told me that puppies 7 wks old don't get HOD. It was vaccine related and had to put on a high dosage of pred. Needed pred and two different antibiotics to clear up the mess on her face and ears and the pred cleared up the paralysis. Took several weeks to clean up the puppy and her face has no scarring thanks to Vitamin E applications several times a day. Good luck if you need more info you can email me.

Re: Strange symptoms

I had a puppy develop first HOD and then juvenile cellulitis (strangles) after vaccination at 12 weeks. Although less common than simple juvenile cellulitis, a combination of HOD and juvenile cellulitis is possible at 6 weeks old. Both HOD and juvenile cellulitis are considered immune mediated, which is why
immune suppression with prednisone is so important in the treatment of both.

Both HOD and juvenile cellulitis can have a variety of symptoms. My puppy only developed a few skin lesions, but developed a lot of joint pain and later lymph node enlargement. Fever was never much part of his picture. Until the joint pain got severe, the puppy was playing, which is why the diagnostic picture was hard to understand. But on x-ray the puppy had the inflammation at growth plates in his front legs that is characteristic of HOD.

If your puppy is getting worse, not better, with the prescribed treatment,
you need to get your vet to think differently about the problem. Consider an
x-ray of joints.

Re: Strange symptoms

Puppy was x-rayed this morning. No HOD seen. Temp was 102.6. Blood work showed normal WBC and panel was normal for age. Puppy is finally breaking with bumps in the ears although not full blown pustules yet. Pred therapy has been started. Vet's research on VIN is recommending low dose of doxy along with the pred which shortens the length of time they have to be on pred. The dose is low enough that it is not supposed to affect the teeth. We're trying it.

It took 6 days from the first matted eyes until the pup showed other symptoms of Strangles. The occasional misstep turned into unable to stand Wed morning. My Vet is still having a hard time connecting lameness to Strangles but she's reading on VIN other Vets are dealing with lameness being the only symptom.

I hope we have not started the right therapy too late. Three visits in 6 days and only today was Vet sure it was Strangles. Thanks everyone for the advice. Any idea how long we have to wait to know if puppy is going to respond?

Re: Strange symptoms

My dog did not have xray findings of HOD for two weeks after he was seen for matted eye goop and one pustule on face. HOD requires higher and longer steroid treatment. Has your vet ever seen HOD on xray?

Re: Strange symptoms

The Vet has treated hundreds of cases of Strangles and dozens of cases of HOD but has never seen HOD w/o high fever and tenderness in the leg when palpated. Vet did say all HOD was seen on x-ray. None of the Strangles cases has presented like this one either. Today lymph nodes were barely enlarged.

Kate, Are you saying HOD was confirmed by x-ray eventually, but did not show up on x-ray while the pup was in the early stages of lameness? Or was it never confirmed by x-ray?

Vet recommended lowering the protien and fat level in the food just in case.

Re: Strange symptoms

I had a lame puppy from strangles, so yes it can happen. This sounds like strangles to me and the symptoms can vary from pup to pup. You will probably see a pretty good case of it because of the delay in treatment, so be ready. It needs to be hit hard for a week or two and then tapered slowly. I treated with Pred and Clavamox. If you catch it early and know the classic signs the case may be very mild. Strangles is a tricky and not so pleasant experience for puppy, breeder, or owner. Vets do not all agree on amount of steroids and if it's too small a dose the strangles will not be knocked out.

Re: Strange symptoms


Re: Strange symptoms

Yes, it is correct to say that my puppy did not have HOD visible on
x-ray at the early stages but was later confirmed on x-ray. I learned that
strangles and HOD can co-exist on a spectrum of immune mediated responses.
My puppy got very sick before he got better on high doses of steroids for 6 weeks. But he did not have a high fever at any point. And he never got all
the pustules characteristic of strangles. He did develop what appeared to be an ear and eye infection that did not respond to antibiotics but did respond to

Re: Strange symptoms

My puppy was very lame when he broke with strangles.
It was a common symptom.
He had a VERY bad.

Re: Strange symptoms

I'm hoping treatment wasn't started too late. Thanks for all of your help.

Re: Strange symptoms

I'm sure you are OK if he is getting steroids. Be sure to continue the steroids an appropriate length of time. If you discontinue too soon, symptoms will recur. Sometimes you have to taper, restart, and taper again if the symptoms got well established and are hard to treat. Good luck with your baby. I know you must have been scared.

Re: Strange symptoms

How is your puppy?

Re: Strange symptoms

As anyone attempted to determine if Puppy Strangles is Hereditary?

Re: Strange symptoms

Strangles for sure.

Re: Strange symptoms

If antibiotic ointment doesn't clear up the eyes within 24 hours, I would jump immediately to suspect strangles. Hopefully there will be no long term damage!

Re: Strange symptoms


Re: Strange symptoms

absolutely strangles. and it CAN present with lamesness