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Re: booster breeding 4 yrs

Hormonal State During Vaccination
Relatively little attention has been paid to the hormonal status of the patient at the time of vaccination. While veterinarians and vaccine manufacturers are aware of the general rule not to vaccinate animals during any period of illness, the same principle should apply to times of physiological hormonal change. This is particularly important because of the known role of hormonal change alone with infectious agents in triggering autoimmune disease. Therefore, vaccinating animals at the beginning of, during, or immediately after an estrous cycle is unwise, as would he vaccinating animals during pregnancy or lactation. In this latter situation, adverse effects can accrue not only to the dam but also because a newborn litter is exposed to shed vaccine virus. One can even question the wisdom of using MLV vaccines on adult animals in the same household because of exposure of the mother and her litter to shed virus. Recent studies with MLV heroes virus vaccines in cattle have shown them to induce necrotic changes in the ovaries of heifers that were vaccinated during estrus. The vaccine strain of this virus was also isolated from control heifers that apparently became infected by sharing the same pasture with the vaccinates. Furthermore, vaccine strains of these viral agents are known to be causes of abortion and infertility following herd vaccination programs. If one extrapolates these findings from cattle to the dog, the implications are obvious.

By W. Jean Dodds, DVM

Re: booster breeding 4 yrs

Thank you, this information is helpful. I had a discussion with the repo vet, did more digging for information, and most importantly, my intuition. At closer look, the bitch is 6 months over her usual three year due date and not a full year.

Re: booster breeding 4 yrs

Most vaccinations are good for more than the 3 years vet's recommend for revaccination.

Rabies, don't bother. It's to protect the dog in question. Do you really think your momma bitch will be tangling with wild animals infected with rabies between now and when the pups go home (4 months)? She's not going to be passing on rabies prevention to her pups.

The others, honestly, the antibodies last longer. If she's healthy, she should pass on a good natural immunity.

Re: booster breeding 4 yrs

Was always told by various vet college specialist etc that should never vaccinate a bitch that you will be breeding within 10 weeks of an expected breeding. This gives her body time to heal after the immunological assault from the vaccination.