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Re: hock - OCD?


There is recent research by Michigan State University, I think, which says it's related to excessive exercise in pups under 1 year old, wanted to post it, but cannot find it right now. The study also says research findings on it being genetic is inconsistent and hence inconclusive.

I hope you find the article and post a link.

Wasn't it also found that faster growing pups or larger pups are more prone to OCD?

Re: hock - OCD?

Saw the ortho vet this morning. He does arthroscopic surgery and is the only one in this area who does. He said as long as she is not limping, he would not recommend surgery. He also said that hock surgery does not produce the great results he gets with elbow surgery. He too thinks it is genetic. I will not be breeding the bitch again. Not worth the risk to me.

Re: hock - OCD?

You won't be breeding your bitch again because one puppy may have OCD in one hock?? wow.... What about the rest of the pups? Sometimes mother nature strikes and things just happen... your pup isn't even lame and IMO it's foolish to throw out the baby with the bathwater- try to look at the big picture. If every breeder threw out a bitch for producing something one time, in one pup, in one litter... well I think our breed would really be in trouble. And yes, I have 25 years plus in the breed, multiple champions & titled dogs and for the most part- sound & healthy ones. If you're in this long enough you will produce one of everything at some point- and that advice came from someone with 50+ years in this.

Re: hock - OCD?

You won't be breeding your bitch again because one puppy may have OCD in one hock?? wow.... What about the rest of the pups? Sometimes mother nature strikes and things just happen... your pup isn't even lame and IMO it's foolish to throw out the baby with the bathwater- try to look at the big picture. If every breeder threw out a bitch for producing something one time, in one pup, in one litter... well I think our breed would really be in trouble. And yes, I have 25 years plus in the breed, multiple champions & titled dogs and for the most part- sound & healthy ones. If you're in this long enough you will produce one of everything at some point- and that advice came from someone with 50+ years in this.

Agree! Sometimes things happen and they won't repeat.

Re: hock - OCD?

Never said that was all. Littermate has elbow OCD. Too much jumping to conclusions going on.

Re: hock - OCD?

Orthopedic surgeons are finding that if a dog is affected with OCD in both joints, whether that be hocks, shoulders or elbows, that it is genetic.
When my girl produced the one OCD puppy, she had also produced entropian and had a daughter who failed her hips so I decided to cut her free from my breeding program. If I had had no other issues in these lines I used to have, I would have tried to breed her to another stud dog. So to the original poster of OCD, if you have not had any other orthopedic issues in your bitch of the 2 affected OCD pups, it could be that your girl and the stud dog lines did not mesh. You can follow certain lines and see that they clearly produce kids that end up with orthopedic issues being bred to many many bitches. When this happens, you can conclude that OCD is not inconclusive.