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Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Such a great space the Club had , wonder why they moved ?

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

I think we are all creatures of habit.....we've gotten used to the venues we've been attending for the past 20+ years, we know the best hotels to stay in, the best places to park at the show, the best areas to exercise our dogs, all the local parks, best restaurants, best local shopping. We hate change. Oh well.

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

I'm not complaining (I'm the OP), I was just curious as to what the new venue is like. FWIW - I remember the previous venue too, at the hotel a little farther north. Very convenient to be at the hotel, but it was a muddy mess the last year they had it there.

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you MVLRC!!!!!
You just don't know how much you have helped!

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

We didn't move by choice. The camp booked a wedding on top of our date.

The fairground has plenty of parking, will be under a covered pavilion and we hope to have a great time. With a little luck,we can go back to the camp in 2014.

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Maybe it will end up a better spot!

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Gail Shearer
We didn't move by choice. The camp booked a wedding on top of our date.

How to stop a show chair's heart in one easy lesson!!! Congratulations on being able to find a suitable alternative - it's not always an easy task and sometime impossible - and a date change is a royal pain....