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Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

I'm not complaining (I'm the OP), I was just curious as to what the new venue is like. FWIW - I remember the previous venue too, at the hotel a little farther north. Very convenient to be at the hotel, but it was a muddy mess the last year they had it there.

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you MVLRC!!!!!
You just don't know how much you have helped!

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

We didn't move by choice. The camp booked a wedding on top of our date.

The fairground has plenty of parking, will be under a covered pavilion and we hope to have a great time. With a little luck,we can go back to the camp in 2014.

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Maybe it will end up a better spot!

Re: MVLRC moved as well - more info?

Gail Shearer
We didn't move by choice. The camp booked a wedding on top of our date.

How to stop a show chair's heart in one easy lesson!!! Congratulations on being able to find a suitable alternative - it's not always an easy task and sometime impossible - and a date change is a royal pain....