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ASPCA brand!?!? Re: Kennels

Welded wire kennels are available more places nowadays. Look locally. Even Tractor Supply has some. The link you gave indicated that it is an ASPCA branded kennel, in addition to Lucky Dog brand. If it might possibly benefit the ASPCA, which has turned from the good animal welfare mission it used to have to animal "rights" H$U$ tactics, I would look for an AKC branded welded wire kennel instead, especially with the current firestorm. Feed the hand that helps you, not the type with radicals that would like to imprison a dog breeder. I love doing rescue, but not at the expense of having health tested purebreds for my children and their children some day. Yes, I bred ME, too. If animals are to have rights, how is it that even the best of them are not allowed to procreate by the animal "rights" groups?

Re: Kennels

What about something like this? Not sure of the shipping charges or price though.

Re: Kennels

I just got the same kennels from Amazon for a very good price with a $30 shipping. I bought 2 for about $700.

Re: Kennels

Thanks other "Breeder" I found some. The price is a little higher than what I paid before, but shipping is free so it works out to be about the same.
And btw they are Lucky Dog and not ASPCA.

Yes, ASPCA profits from Lucky Dog and Uptown kennels= ASPCA, Re: Kennels

According to the link you sent, the Lucky Dog Kennel and the Uptown kennel ARE the ASPCA kennels. There is even a bright orange ASPCA logo on the front of the kennel, above and to the left of the Golden Retriever in the photo on your link. I confirmed this by going on the ASPCA site. The 5 x 5 Lucky Dog does not apper to have the logo. It is possible that Saturday Solutions is wrong?
The ones at Lowes and at Walmart are the same. Here is a link to the ASPCA corporate products.

See the photo, and go back to the link you posted in the first link. It even has ASPCA in the URL you posted!

The bold face title of the item on the site, to the right of the photo of it on Saturday Solution, is
4'W x 8'L x 5'H Welded Wire Kennel Kit in a box: CL 80548 ASPCA (incl. cover)

The URL you gave is

Sorry. It is getting ridiculously hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys in animal care. Glad you found some good kennels locally.

Re: Kennels

Costco sells them for the same price; delivery included in price. AKC logo'd.