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Re: Cow Hock

I had a bitch that was cow hocked when she was growing. Today at 3 years she's not.
She had lots of rear angles when puppy and as soon as she grew into her angles it corrected itself.
Good luck!!

Re: Cow Hock

I agree with "Cow Hocked" some puppies as they grow and their angles are not all fully developed can go in the direction of being a little cow hocked. Then as they mature their rear angles correct themselves. I have a female whose puppies start out with good correct rears and as her puppies grow they can appear to be looking cow hocked and then as adults they are back to correct rears. You need to know how the rears are on the parents or other siblings that are older to help with the answer to which way your boy will go. How was his rear at 8 weeks? If he had a good rear at 8 weeks he could be just going through a growing stage. I would give him more time to grow out of it, especially a male. To many are in such a hurry to just give up on them so young. I have a boy now who is 2 1/2 and is just now coming together and looking like he did at his 8 week evaluation when he was pick of the litter.

Good luck.

Re: Cow Hock

Thank you all for your wonderful advise and for sharing your experiences. I appreciate all of you very much! We are going to watch him and implement a regement of excercise and supplements to see how things go. He has a lovely front and a beautiful expression. We will continue to enjoy his company and perhaps in a few months we can get him back in the ring. Thank you all, again.

Re: Cow Hock

Don't worry about it. Lots of judges will reward cow hocked dogs. We see it all the time.

Re: Cow Hock

Don't worry about it. Lots of judges will reward cow hocked dogs. We see it all the time.

Then that means it is the right thing to do? Advise someone to show a dog with bad structure just because judges reward it even though it is not correct. We need to keep the breed sound and not just show dogs with faults because other people do it or because some cow hocked dogs win with a professional handler. Two wrongs don't make it right.

Re: Cow Hock

Just because a dog might have a sloppy stand does not mean they are cow hocked! Watch the dog moving away, then if the hocks turn in, OK. Just as an additional note I have never seen a cow hocked dog rewarded.
Sometimes I sit with one leg under me, that does not mean I only have one leg!