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Re: Judges Critiques

critiques are done at some specialty shows at the request of the host club. The judges typically send the critiques to the host club and the host club posts the critiques on their website. I also have seen critques published in the Lab Quarterly.

Re: Judges Critiques

Some breeders post their dogs' positive critiques from large shows or specialties directly on the dogs page. I enjoy reading them as some clubs forget to post, request or collect the critiques.

Re: Judges Critiques

Some breeders post their dogs' positive critiques from large shows or specialties directly on the dogs page. I enjoy reading them as some clubs forget to post, request or collect the critiques.
. If the show does not get the judge's does the individual get them? Can the judge release a critique to just anyone who asks if the club does not request or authorize the release of their show critiques?