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Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Another thing that helps - make the whelping box "lumpy bumpy". You can put folded or bunched up towels under whatever you line the box with so that they have hills and valleys which forces them to use their rear legs to get around. Kind of like speed bumps. A smooth, flat environment encourages swimmers.

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

I seem to specialize in swimmers lately as my lines get more bone it seems. I tape the back legs as early as I first notice it. I use masking tape (painting kind), go around one back leg about 1/2 way up, leave about 2 1/2 inches tape between the legs and go around the other leg bringing tape over itself in the middle. Change every 3 days or so.

I hold swimmer pups on their side a lot on my lap. I also gently turn to side when they are sleeping as I walk past the whelping box - several times a day.

My last litter had 2 swimmers - perfectly fine now at 8 weeks. Almost every litter in the past 3 years has had a swimmer for some reason. All my swimmers have been normal by 4 weeks old with the above approach. All the best! My swimmers have such great people oriented temperaments from all the holding on their side on my lap :) They look like a pancake at first, but their rib cage does become normal once up and walking with the help of tape epecially.

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

I should have added once I had to also tape front legs to connect with back legs. So first regular "hobble" of back legs about 2 1/2 inches apart and then a connecting tape from front to back leg on each side just so back legs couldn't go straight out behind pup.

Thanks to the poster who mentioned that flat surfaces in whelping boxes cause this - I have changed my surface a few years ago to flat and have more swimmers, so you've helped me for next time also.

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Ditto whats been said here. I use a rolled wash cloth up against the pup's belly when I roll him on his side - I do this whenever I see them starting to go to sleep -just tip them up on their side and push the rolled wash cloth up to his belly. also the lumpy-bumpy whelping box floor is a big help too - when pups are awake I put the swimmer up on the lumps and he has to work his legs to move about. Rest assured you will have success. :>)

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy
This really works !!

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Works EVERY time :)

This really works !!

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Works EVERY time :)

This really works !!

Guess every time except here. I always have a rubber backed mat as the floor covering in my whelping box and still have swimmers:(

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

I seem to specialize in swimmers lately as my lines get more bone it seems.

My last litter had 2 swimmers - perfectly fine now at 8 weeks. Almost every litter in the past 3 years has had a swimmer.

Sorry, but "more bone" has nothing to do with a puppy being a swimmer.

Be advised that there could be a genetic element in producing more than the rare case of a swimmer. It is also important to determine whether this is a case of pectus excavatum.

The swimming puppy syndrome is an uncommon developmental abnormality observed primarily in certain chondrodystrophoid dogs with the syndrome appears to be most common in those dogs that have short legs and wide thoracic cavities. The English Bulldog, Basset Hound, and Scottish Terrier arc especially predisposed to this syndrome.

The cause of the syndrome is unknown, although various undocumented theories have been formulated. These include altered neuromuscular synapse function, improper or delayed myelindin of peripheral nerves, slow muscular development, and ventral horn dysfunction (neuropathy).

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Thanks so much to everybody who helped me with my big swimmer puppy!!! She is doing wonderful as it took only a few days of working with her by recommended suggestions of keeping her rolled onto her sides (and sometimes back) using rolled towels placed under the fleece bedding. You could really see how this forced her to really use the muscles she had not been using. Took her about 2 days to really getting rolling...literally and now she has caught up to her 2 sisters!! I appreciate everyone's help and am so grateful as I see her walking across the fleece 'carpet' and floor!!
BTW, I did do a little bit with the rubber backed rug at the beginning of her attempts to walk and did definately help to give her traction, but once she was up and walking ~ didn't really need it anymore!!
Thanks again!!!

Re: Flat-chested 16 day old puppy

Good luck
The cause of the syndrome is unknown, although various undocumented theories have been formulated. These include altered neuromuscular synapse function, improper or delayed myelindin of peripheral nerves, slow muscular development, and ventral horn dysfunction (neuropathy).

I had swimmers in one of my first litters. In the next litter, I noticed the early potential symptoms... Don't know if they would have become swimmers, but I started putting speed bumps in the whelping box, putting the pups on one side when mom was on the other. The motivation to get to mom is too strong for a speed bump to slow them down! They all developed normally. Once I stopped being so OCD making the whelping box bedding smooth and flat, I never saw the symptoms again. Don't know about the above listed causes, but apparently in mine it was simply making sure the puppies developed the right muscles to walk.

Reminds me of when my kids were babies, I noticed that some little kids had a habit of walking on their toes instead of normal heel-toe. Invariably these were kids who as infants spent long hours in one of those rolling walkers. By pushing themselves in the walker so much they developed the muscles to walk on their toes, and even when the walker was gone they stayed on their toes.