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Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

What ever do you mean , "not everyone CERF tests their 8 weeks olds " ? They keep and or sell as Breeding Stock without an 8 week CERF ? What planet are you folks living on ?

I'm not preaching, I'm educating, this is common practice among all reputable breeders. How else do you know what is in the litter ? How else do you know which puppy to keep ? Someone has the cart before the horse here, and it's not me !

What this person has, is exactly what she should have when you breed blindly ,[ no pun intended], an affected older puppy , that she should have known about at 8 weeks. Is it a sad, sad story, yes it is, but IF one person learns from these posts, then so be it. Don't breed if you cannot get the best Vet care for your puppies. Now because she is attached to this puppy she wants to add it to the Labrador gene pool, nice ! Again, had she done the appropriate clearance at 8 weeks, [ or if she purchased and did not insist on ] then this is where Murphy's Law will take her.
Breeding dogs is NOT convienient , it is not easy, and it is not intended to be used to add inferior specimens to the gene pool, we are or should be trying to add superior specimens to the gene pool.

Yup, there are actually other people not living on "do every known clearance known to god before the pup is 8 weeks old". I don't CERF litters either. All the dogs I have bought did not come from CERF'd litters. Those of you that think you are better because you CERF litters at 8 weeks, can just sit there in judgement all you want. Your attitude is enough for me not to care about you...I won't refer you to puppy people, I won't consider you for my show pups in the future. You can type anonymously but there are plenty of you on your high horses I know by name...and I keep my distance. You should be "proud" of your preachy attitude. Tsk Tsk

Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

There are those who adhere to high standards, and there are those who do not, but have endless criticism for those who do. In my judgment, actions speak louder than words.

Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

Someone is really judgemental. No you are no better a breeder than most of us who do not take pups in a 8 weeks. Its a nice thought but be high and mighty if you want, but the rest of us, good breeders, are doing tons of other testing. Talking down to someone will get you no where. We all do different things. Live with it.

Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

Really? Since when are puppy CERFs not a normal recommended thing to do? I see I've been torturing myself for nothing for ~15 yrs then?????

As a friend once said, we do all this to avoid "the issue" in the breed. I think the OP is the one hurting here. Give him/her a little courtesy before you jump on judgment. Anne

Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

I think there must have been some areas of the country that had a stud dog or two widely used by them that made breeders in these areas to the testing at 8 weeks. You have got to realize that alot of the country did not get on this same bandwagon since we never came across the problem. You can try to teach for an educational reason, but don't talk down to breeders who don't do the same as you.

Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

We have always tested our litters at 7-8 weeks - whether it was a CERF exam or not. We don't do it to be high and mighty, or any of that. We do it for two reasons, primarily: to rule out any issues that SHOULD eliminate a "keeper", and to provide another piece of information about what is coming out of our breeding program. I consider it just another tool. Having said that, if one of my bitches goes back 6 generations, and nothing has ever come up on a CERF exam out of that line, and the same for the sire, and I lived 6-7 hours from where I could get an exam done on a litter of 8-10 puppies..... well, that might be a different story. So, I don't think I'm ready to judge this particular person just based on this situation. It's a pretty crappy place to find yourself, but not everything is black or white.