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Re: Retinal Dysplasia-retinal folds

We have always tested our litters at 7-8 weeks - whether it was a CERF exam or not. We don't do it to be high and mighty, or any of that. We do it for two reasons, primarily: to rule out any issues that SHOULD eliminate a "keeper", and to provide another piece of information about what is coming out of our breeding program. I consider it just another tool. Having said that, if one of my bitches goes back 6 generations, and nothing has ever come up on a CERF exam out of that line, and the same for the sire, and I lived 6-7 hours from where I could get an exam done on a litter of 8-10 puppies..... well, that might be a different story. So, I don't think I'm ready to judge this particular person just based on this situation. It's a pretty crappy place to find yourself, but not everything is black or white.