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Re: 2-Year Old Male Vomiting Every A.M.

Thanks for the helpful info. I have an appointment for him tomorrow just to be sure nothing else is going on.

Re: 2-Year Old Male Vomiting Every A.M.

One of my dogs did this and we thought it was empty stomach too and we also did the Pepcid both of which helped BUT it was a squeaker in her stomach that was causing the trouble. We did a barium X-ray and the next day she was finally able to vomit it up. Good luck with your dog - hope it is something simple. Oh by the way it took 2 months and 3 vets to finally figure it out.

Re: 2-Year Old Male Vomiting Every A.M.

My first thought was a partial intestinal blockage. If completely blocked they will stop eating and even drinking, but a partial can go on quite a while. And, they won't normally act sick or as if in pain.

I'd definitely run barium. Good luck.