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Re: Grooming & Breeder

She was shampooed a week before the show, so the hardness should come back by a week later. It sounds as though she was blown dry or dried in front of a fan, which would be normal at a groomer's. Depending on when you expect her next season, and with spring coming, she may be blowing coat, and a bath may have shed her out even if no dryer was used to prevent hot spots. It would do the breeder no good to show a huge inconsistency in her breeding stock and the get from it, so unless things are really weird, one wouldn't think that she would act so that she would have undermined herself. Tails shed out a lot on the girls--the piece of string look is described in MRW's book, Advanced Labrador Breeding/Reaching for the Stars.

If you are that concerned or unhappy showing with your breeder, next time, show her where your breeder WON'T be going. Of course, then there will be fewer points, perhaps. Some folks are not good competitors.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

DON't take your dog to a GROOMER before a show! Take a brush to the dog, and a wet towel . OR you are wasting your time and money on going ! Obviously the dog's undercoat or what as left of it , was stripped out, washed out, and blown out. You could have held onto that another week , untill after the show. At least you would have been competive then. Learn to care for that coat yourself, and present the dog , the way they are intended, NATURAL.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

Couldn't agree more with breeder. I am a groomer too! Don't mess with coats right before a show.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

Agreed. Sounds like groomer was use to doing Goldens or a dog they stripe or thin the hair. We all learn as we go along. You will never let this be done again am sure. Entering shows, travel and motels all cost to much to have this happen.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

Yeah, but if the breeder was the groomer you would think she would know better.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

Ya have a couple or even one litter, and yur the breeder and self-proclaimed expert. Maybe the breeder didn't know better. She might now! OP does.

Re: Grooming & Breeder

No closer than 2 weeks prior to a show should you bathe them...and only if they are grimy, or skunked; otherwise just rinse them(can spray them with waterless shampoo) with water and towel. I time my baths when they are on the blow and hair is tufting out of their pantaloons.