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re: Ethics

I have been fully aware of the dealings between The Breeder and Paul from the beginning. The Breeder and I discussed every day like sitting around a kitchen table enjoying our morning coffee and planning the day's events.

As the encounters unfolded, I was told about the breeding overseas. I expressed to The Breeder of the problems I had with the requestor and shared the approximate 50+ emails received during my lack of judgement in engaging in this relationship. This prompted The Breeder to not send semen given the content in my emails that I shared and how I was treated. In fact, when The Breeder refused, the same negative treatment was encountered.

Paul questions The Breeder in regards to the 1st litter (the one he requested a puppy from) that did not come to fruition. I know for a fact that the bitch did not get pregnant as I saw her in person at The Breeder's house a week ago. I commended my friend, The Breeder, for not sending something that did not fit the performance criteria she believed Paul was looking for. It is sad that someone cannot accept a situation when they want something so badly. It is what it is.

As breeders, we are not obligated to place any of our puppies. I feel we can change our mind if we have that gut feeling. I have. I do. And I always will. I will gladly send deposit money back, if taken, to ensure the well being and safety of a puppy that will live in a household, be it pet or in another breeder's home, for 13 to 15 years.

The Breeder's Friend
Who knows the whole story from The Breeder's persepctive as it unfolded daily.

re: Ethics

Peeps - wash your laundry BEFORE hanging it out... there's nothing "cute" about those brown smears on your undies!!

re: Ethics

Peeps - wash your laundry BEFORE hanging it out... there's nothing "cute" about those brown smears on your undies!!

re: Ethics

Please take this PRIVATE ! I don't want to know, and this takes up valuable space. And Paul , I wouldn't sell you a puppy either ! When someone airs dirty laundry in public, red flags are on the field, try to muster up some class Paul ! Grow up and stop whining , puppies sold with open registration are rarely done, and after this ridiculous thing you have started, it will be done less !

re: Ethics

Please read the post this AM. I understand that the bitch didn't get pregnant, but I was suspicious. It's not too difficult to see why I would be.
I did not insist on a puppy from litter # 2. I don't know how else to say that, so you'll understand. I respect your breeder friend for steering me away from that litter, thinking that I would be disappointed.
My problem is in the method, like I've said many times. I emailed your friend twice and got no response. When I called, I was surprised by the change in attitude. A door that I would have liked to have remain opened, was abruptly shut. There was no mention of maybe something down the road...nothing. Case closed! I got off the phone feeling like some sort of pariah.
As for overseas, think about it. Two people got treated quite poorly by your friend with no explanation...just ignorance.
Like I said earlier, your friends gut couldn't be more wrong.

re: Ethics

I am Breeder 30 (not to be confused with breeder30.)

If the puppy was being purchased for obedience, then limited registration would be fine, you only need full registration to show in conformation, or for breeding. Full can be granted later, or not, after certain conditions are met.

In a Nutshell, re: Ethics

"So reading through all of this...the breeder did not have a puppy to sell you...what are you upset about? You just stated that you did not want a puppy from the second litter and she felt it was not a good match for what you wanted so she told you why she was saying "no". I would think you would rather work with someone that is honest and tells you that the dogs are not going to have the work ethic you want from the other litter than sell you a puppy that is likely not going to work. I guess I am not seeing the full issue here. No deposit was placed, no promises was agreed to wait and see what she got. "

Here's my take. "Okay" summarized this beautifully. No tantrums in public were needed by a would-be buyer, especially for the litter that didn't happen. I do understand wanting the perfect pedigree, with looks and brains and working ability, too, BUT THE LITTER WAS NOT BORN! This is not exactly a rare breed. Plenty of good Labs work well in obedience, getting multiple OTChs, even NOCs. What is all the fuss, except that someone didn't get his way, when the breeder didn't either: the litter was not even born?!?!?! That fuss, that temper, would have scared me off him, too, even with limited registration. Is Paul the real name of the OP? I don't know who the parties are.

re: Ethics

I'm glad to hear you finally tell your side of the story, although it's a little off. There's one thing you've misunderstood. In no way did I ever insist on a puppy from the other litter we spoke about. I wanted a puppy from that male. That was obvious. That's why I ended up overseas.
As for shopping around...what difference does that make? You asked me to stay in touch and I did. That should have been an indication to you, that I was still very interested. You just didn't have the courtesy to let me know what was going on at your end. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm looking at purchasing more than one puppy.
Get your gut checked out. You're 100% wrong on this one.

People like you makes me feel good when I'm so "elitist" about who gets my open registration puppies. It is not worth all the head ache you have caused the breeder by coming to this forum trying to bash her. You are a trouble maker and you should not "expect" anything from any other breeder in the future. I doubt it that any body that reads this forum would ever give an open registration puppy to an obedience judge named Paul.

re: Ethics

People like you makes me feel good when I'm so "elitist" about who gets my open registration puppies.


re: Ethics

Amen x 2