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Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

I am a long time breeder/exhibitor and totally agree with what Exhibitor posted above. This is a direct reflection of the judges that are brought in from other countries. Not only do they not like our dogs, but most have been rude the last couple of years. Why should we pay all of this expense to be treated poorly? I for one almost didn't enter as well this year, but am only coming to see my fellow breeder friends. The sad part is I should be excited about competing, but given the foreign panel I am not and discouraged. Even sadder is that now I have 400 less dogs to see that could assist in decisions for my breeding program.

I hope this sends a clear message to the selection committee at LRCP. This is NOT only about the economy. I know for a fact many old time breeders are not coming due to the panel.

It is time for a change... Why are American judges being discriminated against for judging the most prestigious dog show in the world in their own country. Very sad!

Coming But Not Excited

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

There were only 703 last year. The 1200 plus figure includes double entries of the same dogs, most probably for sweepstakes. Look on Infodog

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

The entry above includes sweeps and veterans and non-regular class....

I personally like the foreign judges...albeit would prefer they actually bred Labradors. It gets tiresome seeing the same overdone, incorrectly coated dogs win time and again.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Evidently some people have lots of time on their hands to whine. Maybe those people should step up and lend a helping hand. A years worth of work went into producing such a show along with alot of time and effort. Hats of to the people who produce such a wonderful show. For those who wish not to take part in showing and having fun STAY HOME. YOUR neg attitude will surely not be missed

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Just to clarify for those of you unhappy with the world in general, below is an accurate record of actual history of numbers for the show. Just in case you wanted to know the facts. You can actually find this info for all shows.

2009 actual total competing: 779 and entry 1430
2010 was 769 and 1468
2011 was 752 and 1379
2012 was 709 and 1298
2013 is 800 entered

In case you would like to see the data for yourself, it is here:;MEVENTNO=2012156201

Actually the number is interesting considering that the sweeps judge is a prominent handler. You would have thought that the number of ineligible dogs would have dropped the numbers significantly.

I hope you enjoy the lovely weekend. As soon as i finish work today I'm off to take my dogs training as we have Senior and master tests to get ready for. The dogs enjoy the time I spend with them versus working or fooling around on the computer.

Can't wait to see some of you guys there!

Sue Puff

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Actually, if you add it all up it is right around 1200. I could easily be off by a few here and there. So the entry is about what it always is. Glad to be going this year and can hardly wait to see all of the beautiful dogs :)

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

It seems like many are only interested in having a judge tell them that their dogs are lovely, rather than receiving an independent opinion. There are beautiful Labradors all over the world – some of the nicest I have seen in recent years are from Sweden/Finland and the surrounding areas. I would be more inclined to show to judges who will look at the dogs objectively and hold them to the standard, rather than to whatever the look of the moment is. Most of the shows in this country are the same old same old – no real variety in judges (and I believe a wider variety of opinions is a good thing) and clubs more interested in attracting large entries than providing an opportunity for learning from a new perspective. Quite a few people invited to judge sweeps have been in the breed all of 5 minutes (but have a few big wins which seems to count for more than actual experience/contribution). Very few people actually win big at these things – it seems like a more productive frame of mind would be to embrace the learning opportunities presented by a different point of view.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

...... It gets tiresome seeing the same overdone, incorrectly coated dogs win time and again.

We must have been at different Potomac shows last year. The bitch who won is not overdone, does have a correct coat, has won multiple BIS at all-breed shows, over a dozen BISS in 3 countries, has earned her JH, was previously RWB, WB, BOW, and BBE at previous Potomac shows, etc..... What else do you want in a Lab?! How many different judges does it take to say, "This is what the breed was meant to be!" Maybe you need to get into a different breed.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Not sure where you get your numbers, but I just checked the list for MBF and the total number of dogs is 961 with an entry of 1,351. There are 22 more bitches than last year, but 43 less males in the regular classes. There are 103 specials (one less than last year) which should be enough to choose from.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

I really like that Potomac has foreign judges for the regular classes. There is a reason they don't like a good number of the dogs. Rather then being so offended perhaps you should open your mind to the fact that the dogs they object to are sometimes overdone, long and low or just plain short on leg, too much bone, mastiff like heads, too much coat, or grossly overweight. We American judges are more forgiving because we are used to seeing these dogs and they are the norm here now. That in itself is sad. The foreign judges are needed to help us keep perspective of what the breed should be. We should be reading the critiques and learning from them. Yes, some of the judges are not the best, but neither are all the American breeder judges. Just because you have bred many champions and specialty winners doesn't mean you have the ability to go out and judge several hundred dogs and do a good job of it. It is hard work to select from the kind of entry at Potomac. That is why it is critical to have people select judges that both know their ability to judge well and are impartial. To be asked to judge Potomac is a great honor and should be offered to those who are notable breed experts. I hope they continue to bring in foreign judges that are Labrador breeders.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Not sure where you get your numbers

Numbers are here:;shownum=1698

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

I am a long time breeder/exhibitor and totally agree with what Exhibitor posted above. This is a direct reflection of the judges that are brought in from other countries. Not only do they not like our dogs, but most have been rude the last couple of years. Why should we pay all of this expense to be treated poorly? I for one almost didn't enter as well this year, but am only coming to see my fellow breeder friends. The sad part is I should be excited about competing, but given the foreign panel I am not and discouraged. Even sadder is that now I have 400 less dogs to see that could assist in decisions for my breeding program.

I hope this sends a clear message to the selection committee at LRCP. This is NOT only about the economy. I know for a fact many old time breeders are not coming due to the panel.

It is time for a change... Why are American judges being discriminated against for judging the most prestigious dog show in the world in their own country. Very sad!

Coming But Not Excited
I'm glad others see the transparency of the different LRCP committees too. I'm still unsure if I'm coming or not b/cz I'm not too excited either. If I go, the main reason will be to check
out the boys for my upcoming breedings and have those girls shown before they come into heat later this spring. I don't trust some of the newer website photographs .

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

You have to compare apples to apples, not apples to oranges, so you need to look at the entries prior to the show, which you can compare to the current posted entries.

Those numbers quoted are the dogs who actually SHOWED at the show, not the ENTRIES. I looked in my catalogs from the past 3 years and this is the entry BEFORE absentees were removed:

2010 - 1042 dogs entered, total entry of 1510, 70 obedience, 85 rally
2011 - 1109 dogs entered, total entry of 1588, 101 obedience, 132 rally
2012 - 1025 dogs entered, total entry of 1483, 119 obedience, 85 rally
2013 - 800 dogs entered (they don't have the total entry tallied up)

So bottom line, there are over 200 FEWER dogs ENTERED at the show - no idea how many will actually show up and end up counting in the real numbers.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

I cannot even believe folks are debating about Potomac numbers.... and discussing the judge choices again. It is insulting to all of the people who work so hard to put on this show and tiresome to everyone else.

Winning would be oh so awesome, but we go to see dogs and see friends... could care less who's judging because at the end of the day, I'm going to use who I want and not who was put up.

The sour grapes get old as does the bickering. Get out of the sport if you can't behave like our dogs.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Since when do you go to the Potomac for the judging? I go to see lots of great Labradors, friends from all over the US and the world, and for the PARTYING!

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

So tired.
I cannot even believe folks are debating about Potomac numbers.... and discussing the judge choices again. It is insulting to all of the people who work so hard to put on this show and tiresome to everyone else.

Winning would be oh so awesome, but we go to see dogs and see friends... could care less who's judging because at the end of the day, I'm going to use who I want and not who was put up.

The sour grapes get old as does the bickering. Get out of the sport if you can't behave like our dogs.

Give it a rest already. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just because you don't like what some people say does not make them wrong. People get tired of all the sour grapes talk and stay home orders, too. Maybe you should take a step back and really think about why people are complaining. I guess you guys don't need to wear your muckers when walking over water either.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

So tired.
I cannot even believe folks are debating about Potomac numbers.... and discussing the judge choices again. It is insulting to all of the people who work so hard to put on this show and tiresome to everyone else.

Winning would be oh so awesome, but we go to see dogs and see friends... could care less who's judging because at the end of the day, I'm going to use who I want and not who was put up.

The sour grapes get old as does the bickering. Get out of the sport if you can't behave like our dogs.

Give it a rest already. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Just because you don't like what some people say does not make them wrong. People get tired of all the sour grapes talk and stay home orders, too. Maybe you should take a step back and really think about why people are complaining. I guess you guys don't need to wear your muckers when walking over water either.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but there seems to be no point when it is just a complaint. There is something for everyone out there, it just may not be at this show this year.

In our club, there are always the complainers and the ones who give everyone else advice - they are never the ones who step up and volunteer and make things happen. Our feelings are that if you are not willing to help and make the club what it is, then keep the mouth shut.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted


In our club, there are always the complainers and the ones who give everyone else advice - they are never the ones who step up and volunteer and make things happen. Our feelings are that if you are not willing to help and make the club what it is, then keep the mouth shut.

Our club? What club is that?

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Wow "Huh?"...way to not read the entire post...I belive I stated I preferred the foreign judges at Potomac because it gets tiresome seeing some of these overdone huge dogs at the other specialities...I was referring to specialities with dogs put up by US breeder/judges. A Labrador should not weigh 110 lbs!!

Dr Woods did a spectacular job last year in Breed...loved his final line up.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Why are American judges being discriminated against for judging the most prestigious dog show in the world in their own country.

Barbara Nowak, Winnie Limbourne, and Clare Senfield might disagree. That's just since 2009.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Another breeder
Why are American judges being discriminated against for judging the most prestigious dog show in the world in their own country.

Barbara Nowak, Winnie Limbourne, and Clare Senfield might disagree. That's just since 2009.

Could be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure they were talking about the regular class judges, not intersex.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Yes to foreign judges
I really like that Potomac has foreign judges for the regular classes. There is a reason they don't like a good number of the dogs. Rather then being so offended perhaps you should open your mind to the fact that the dogs they object to are sometimes overdone, long and low or just plain short on leg, too much bone, mastiff like heads, too much coat, or grossly overweight. We American judges are more forgiving because we are used to seeing these dogs and they are the norm here now. That in itself is sad. The foreign judges are needed to help us keep perspective of what the breed should be. We should be reading the critiques and learning from them. Yes, some of the judges are not the best, but neither are all the American breeder judges. Just because you have bred many champions and specialty winners doesn't mean you have the ability to go out and judge several hundred dogs and do a good job of it. It is hard work to select from the kind of entry at Potomac. That is why it is critical to have people select judges that both know their ability to judge well and are impartial. To be asked to judge Potomac is a great honor and should be offered to those who are notable breed experts. I hope they continue to bring in foreign judges that are Labrador breeders.

I wish there was a like button for this one.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

That being said, do we find that both of the class judges this year are Lab breeders?

We have some good all round judges in the United States that know a well made dog. Are they any less qualified?

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

Another breeder
Since when do you go to the Potomac for the judging? I go to see lots of great Labradors, friends from all over the US and the world, and for the PARTYING!
I do! Yes, I enjoy my many friends also but I'm there to show my dogs and see the proper judging of them and others dogs. It does matter.

If you're there for mainly Partying going by capital letters for that word you used, you can do that anywhere plus it's suppose to be after judging not during it ringside.

You should re-evaluate your reasons for being there and not knock others reasons or concerns. Please notice, I did not express my major, personal concerns on here. They are things not yet mentioned, many of you don't know and or haven't figured out.

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

I do! Yes, I enjoy my many friends also but I'm there to show my dogs and see the proper judging of them and others dogs. It does matter.

If you're there for mainly Partying going by capital letters for that word you used, you can do that anywhere plus it's suppose to be after judging not during it ringside.

You should re-evaluate your reasons for being there and not knock others reasons or concerns. Please notice, I did not express my major, personal concerns on here. They are things not yet mentioned, many of you don't know and or haven't figured out.

Like this post too!

Re: Potomac Entry Numbers Posted

You should re-evaluate your reasons for being there and not knock others reasons or concerns.

I do agree with this, but it seems that the giver of the advice does not follow it.

And really, it was meant to be a jovial prod to stay on the positive and enjoy the wonderful dogs and the wonderful people from all around the world who manage to get together once a year for this event. Why does everyone take themselves so seriously? Lighten up!