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Re: Unborn pups/Kennel cough

Ask your vet for amoxi drops. Then you will have enough to start if the puppies have a problem. You can always get more if they do. The problem is not the KC, but pneumonia which sometimes develops. Amoxi works well for that, so if you have some on hand, you will be prepared if the puppies start coughing.

Re: Unborn pups/Kennel cough

Terry, I hesitated to reply because I too had a litter about twelve years ago that the dam had been exposed to a puppy that got kennel cough after her first show. The pup literally coughed once. Unfortunately while the dam didn't show any signs the pups had herpes virus.
There wasn't a good Protocol to follow. All six pups were lost in spite of all we tried. I'm not telling you this to scare you more, only to alert you that you should be prepared for this possibility as well. I wish you good luck and hope your babies will be healthy and not have any of these issues.

Re: Unborn pups/Kennel cough

Terry, I hesitated to reply because I too had a litter about twelve years ago that the dam had been exposed to a puppy that got kennel cough after her first show. The pup literally coughed once. Unfortunately while the dam didn't show any signs the pups had herpes virus.
There wasn't a good Protocol to follow. All six pups were lost in spite of all we tried. I'm not telling you this to scare you more, only to alert you that you should be prepared for this possibility as well. I wish you good luck and hope your babies will be healthy and not have any of these issues.

Re: Unborn pups/Kennel cough

Just try to keep your new mom isolated from the rest, after dealing with your other dogs, be sure and wash your hands before dealing with her. If you have a lab coat, wear it with the others. It can be managed but it is not fun.
Just as a note, new puppies with KC don't cough, they sort of "gurgle", you can feel it when they are picked up. As already mentioned, the danger with KC is a secondary infection. Once the 1st pup comes down with it, all need to go on antibiotics.