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Re: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process

What was the diagnosis for your pup? My report says the pup has mild lameness at a walk and trot (grade 1).

Re: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process

I first took the pup in because of the lameness. My regular vet examined her and took x-rays and thought they did not look quite right. After the course of rimadyl and month of crate rest showed no improvement, we consulted the ortho vet. Physical exam, more x-rays and evaluation of the lameness all pointed to FCP.

Re: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process

I have a 7 year old male who had bilateral FCP, arthroscopy at 14 months, bilateral.. Dr. Kurt Shulz, our surgeon said, let him be a dog, and I have, and he competes in Rally, agility, obedience, hunt tests and is very very sound, no sign of arthritis yet.. he will continue to be a dog, without worry...

Re: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process

Cartilage does not GROW back. Be fantastic for all if it could.

Re: Fragmented Medial Coronoid Process

Well, the orthopedic surgeon says there is cartilage regrowth. It is a very slow process and the new growth is fragile, which is why they must be kept quiet for so long.