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Re: Coconut Oil

I would just ride it out, why complicate matters. If your pregnant bitch is a little itchy she'll be ok.

Re: Coconut Oil

I've been using Coconut Oil from Costco for about a year. So far I love it. My labs look great, and my other breed who doesn't have much coat looks MUCH better. Not sure if its the coconut oil, but I don't want to take him off.

Re: Coconut Oil

Do you give it to your bitches that have been bred?

Re: Coconut Oil

I just bought some. It really isn't an oil. It is solid like wax. Did I buy the right thing?

Re: Coconut Oil

I just bought some. It really isn't an oil. It is solid like wax. Did I buy the right thing?

It is in solid form. If you go to they teach you how to administer to a dog, how to soften it and the correct amount to give. In the summer months, it's not as hard to work with. Do not refrigerate your coconut. In the winter I purchase the CocoTherapy chips. I purchase the oil and chips from Animal Instincts (I think it's - they have the best price.