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Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

IMO, his Winners Bitch line up was quite nice, consistent and beautiful. There were a few classes where I didn't agree with his placements, but the Final as well done!

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

He did a fabulous job!
As an outsider looking in, this club seems to try to keep things fresh and interesting by trying different things. LRCP thinks outside the box and keeps us coming back for more each and every year. This is no exception.
I do know there were some people going up and down the east coast specialties trying to bad mouth this judge for anyone who would listen. Even before he stepped a foot into the ring!
But I have to say, he truly did some of the best judging I have ever seen...not to mention he was one of the most pleasant people to show to that I have had the chance to be under, even after judging a large number of dogs in extreme heat.

So the haters are always gonna hate but I say well done LRCP! Thanks for being so innovative !

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

He Held his Own!
IMO, his Winners Bitch line up was quite nice, consistent and beautiful. There were a few classes where I didn't agree with his placements, but the Final as well done!

That is the beauty of having different perspectives - Different people can appreciate different styles within breed type and still arrive at a nice line-up. There are many nice dogs out there and they cannot all be rewarded. It is nice that a show will allow for a variety of perspectives from knowledgeable dog people. I don't know of any show where everyone agreed on all placements, and the only opinion that matters on the day is the judge's.

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

He was very consistent, easy to follow, very pleasant and did an excellent job. I would give him an entry anytime!

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Ok before this gets nasty, let's take a step back.

I think everyone was a bit surprised to see a judge that was not a well known Labrador breeder on the Potomac panel. Obviously , the judges selection panel knew something most of us didn't.

I wasn't there to personally see his judging, but from all accounts I heard that he did a very nice job. And believe me people, it IS a job. It's no easy task to walk into a ring that is teeming with dogs, sort through them, and be able to come up with a final line up that you're happy with. Not to mention, having the majority of the exhibitors agree with you.

This should be a reminder to all of us to withhold our opinions and judgments before we see what the final outcome is, and again, from everything that I have heard , it was a nice outcome.

ps: and as always, if you want your comments to be taken seriously, please have the good manners to use your name.

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

I think it was nice to see dogs awarded on their merit vs. faces on the leash as I am sure this foreign judge doesn't know the names and faces of our most "popular" folks. :)

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

I thought Per Iversen did an EXCELLENT job!

While I may not have agreed with all of his choices, we are all different and all judge differently, he had an amazing line up that was consistent across the board! CONSISTENT being the key word here!

I could follow exactly what he was doing and could appreciate the finer points that he was seeking. In the end, his line up was a representation of his interpretation of the Labrador. There were many many deserving bitches in that line up!

Further, Per was the most PLEASANT and KIND judge that we have had from abroad to judge the Potomac classes. You could tell that he thoroughly was enjoying our dogs and our exhibitors. Something we have not seen in a very very long time.

I was sorry I had only 1 bitch to show to him as I would have loved to have shown more to him!

I'm not a lady, but felt I had to answer


Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Nice to hear that the majority seem to be positive. You know, among Labrador people in Europe it's considered a great honor to do well under Per Iversen.
That's why at least I go ballistic when I read those pre show comments about a judge completely unknown to you. Just because PI has bred whippets (among many other breeds)he's considered by some as totally unworthy of judging the great Potomac. Oh, the ignorance! Obviously, some of us in this part of the world know better. So my advice for the future is: Please keep silent about the judges until the show is over and done with!
And Michael, it's no secret that PI is a darling. I bet he found you a real

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Looking at his winners and reserve they were very consistant. He did a very nice job and was so pleasant to all the exhibitors. He certainly seems to know a good Labrador. I would show to him again.

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Even though I wasn't at Potomac this year I've shown under Per in Iceland and I think he's a very nice judge!!!

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

I would have to say, that bitch lineup for winners was one of the strongest and most consistent I have ever seen at that show or any other. I would gladly show to him again and again.

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Due to financial restraints I was unable to attend Potomac this year but I have met & judged with Per Iverson a few years back at the Netherlands Labrador Retriever National Specialty, along with Jill Ickowski as well. Per did the ticket (WB) bitch & I did the ticket (WD) dog & the between Per & myself, we discussed & decided which would be Best of Breed. Per is professional, knowledgeable, and according to all the exhibitors there very pleasant to show to and very kind & patient with the puppies. Per's reputation across Europe & especially in the U.K. is excellent. I am pleased that he was invited to judge at the Potomac and sorry that I was not able to be there. As with all judges, we are acutely aware that our choices in placements & wins may meet with approval by some & with disapproval by others. After all, as an AKC licensed judge myself, it is just my opinion when I am asked to judge, and I am honored that exhibitors will come to show to me. Because after all, judges & exhibitors alike do these dog shows, especially Labrador specialties, simply for the pure love of our Labs & for the joy of friendships with people who come to these shows, especially from around the world. Bravo to Per for a job well done!