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Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

I would have to say, that bitch lineup for winners was one of the strongest and most consistent I have ever seen at that show or any other. I would gladly show to him again and again.

Re: "The Whippet judge ???"

Due to financial restraints I was unable to attend Potomac this year but I have met & judged with Per Iverson a few years back at the Netherlands Labrador Retriever National Specialty, along with Jill Ickowski as well. Per did the ticket (WB) bitch & I did the ticket (WD) dog & the between Per & myself, we discussed & decided which would be Best of Breed. Per is professional, knowledgeable, and according to all the exhibitors there very pleasant to show to and very kind & patient with the puppies. Per's reputation across Europe & especially in the U.K. is excellent. I am pleased that he was invited to judge at the Potomac and sorry that I was not able to be there. As with all judges, we are acutely aware that our choices in placements & wins may meet with approval by some & with disapproval by others. After all, as an AKC licensed judge myself, it is just my opinion when I am asked to judge, and I am honored that exhibitors will come to show to me. Because after all, judges & exhibitors alike do these dog shows, especially Labrador specialties, simply for the pure love of our Labs & for the joy of friendships with people who come to these shows, especially from around the world. Bravo to Per for a job well done!