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Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Of course your dog is having health problems! He's from a puppy mill! Duh!
Maybe next time you will seek a reputable breeder.
As for providing a home....yup. Good for you. You paid for a dog so he could breed and sell the next one.
He is a commercial breeder.
His dogs no doubt live in cages and are bred every cycle until they can't anymore. Without any health clearances.
And then, I bet they are killed.
Just like cattle.....

Paula K
Call me stupid for providing a home for this dog, I apologize, I was seeking info on the breeder. Thanks

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Who is so stupid to buy a puppy from a pet store??? Or are you just seeking information to take this breeder/puppy mill down? Good for you and the dogs, but this is not the place to post anything about an individual.

The only sympathy you would get is for adopting a puppy/dog that is in a shelter, not for giving money to puppy mills. You should have done your homework.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

This is not the response I was hoping for, I don't know what I was hoping for, but Jupiter is my life that dog is my shadow I love her more than I do most people, I'm concerned about her health and I was inquiring about the breeder, because yeah I was uneducated when I got her, this i know, but I love her, care for her and she's part of the family. If by posting in this forum this is all I'm going to get thats fine. I was really looking for something helpful, not criticism, maybe someone who got a dog from this breeder, made the same mistake, ( not Jupiter, she not a mistake) and had health issues. I was looking someone who dealt with the same thing. FYI I rescued a lab before Jupiter, she was an abuse case from a Shelter, her name is Shadow she's 11 now, Jupiter and her are best friends, 5 years apart. I'm not some puppy store buying nazi, I've rescued some cats too, and an injured eagle in KY Land Between The Lakes who everyone else drove by... You sure can make some feel worse about a situation. Thanks. Sorry I even posted. I will do my own research. Have great day.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I apologize for the insensitive responses you have gotten from my fellow breeders. You obviously love your dog very much, as you should, and have learned a hard lesson. I have not heard of the breeder you mention and you will probably not be able to find much out as he is most likely a commercial breeder, and this may not even be the actual name of who bred your dog. Coming from a puppy mill you cannot even be sure if the dogs listed on the registration papers, if you got any, are really the parents or if your dog is even a purebred. And even if you were to actually find this person and contacted them, they most likely could care less.
I hope whatever the issues your dog has she can be kept comfortable and have some quality of life. Buyers who feel sorry for the dogs in stores are their hooks and what keeps the puppy mills in business, if no one bought from stores then they would be out of business. And it is the poor dogs that come from these places and loving owners like yourself who end up suffering.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I googled Jake Kruse breeder and found a good many sites related to him and his breeding business. Good luck with your dog.

Also....he and his "brother" have been discussed before on this forum.

Here is a news video of the "PuppyPipeline" which shows some of these horrible places and the justification of the pet store owners to get their puppies from these people.

USDA inspected? If you see or hear these words associated with a "breeder" you need to educate yourself properly. Track shoes would help.

As they say in this video of a dog auction "it takes 5 years to pay off a cow. It takes 6 months to pay off a dog"

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Agree with the above post. Even if you find this 'breeder', he's not going to offer anything helpful. Probably doesn't even know what litter, what parents, etc.

What are the health issues you are dealing with and what have you tried so far? Maybe we can help you with the health problems.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

for the rude tone .. well heck, let's be honest ... the vitriol you were subjected to by some of the others on here who feel you should be crucified if not drawn and quartered for buying a dog from a pet store. Sadly this does support the puppy mills, but not everyone is as aware of that as the legitimate breeders. As you can see, you pummelled a nerve ..

I agree with the last poster .. what are your dog's health issues - perhaps the kinder, more gentle members of this forum who are not so old as to remember what it was like starting out in dogs and the mistakes they made can provide some advice and assistance ...

This forum .... STILL where the mean girls go when they graduate from the sandbox ...

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Graduate from the sandbox? You give them way too much credit!

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Animal lovers are really passionate, I know I am, thanks to all for helpful info, and no apologies are needed for others. But thank you for the kind words

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I am sorry that your Lab is sick. Unfortunately the puppy mill breeder will not care. He got his money and that is all he wants.

We got a Lab from a relative who could not care for her anymore. She was 4. She died at the age of 7 from lymphoma. After she died, I sent a letter to the breeder on the paperwork just for the heck of it. He was one of the bigger puppy mill breeders in PA. I never heard from him but never expected it. The relative thought that she got the Lab from a reputable breeder. I told her my findings.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I am sorry your Lab is having health issues. I am also sorry for the response you have recieved. Puppy Mill breeders and pet store puppies strike a nerve to most reputable breeders, but there is no excuse for being rude.

Thank you for loving your dog even though she is having these issues. Not all pet store buyer are as commited as you are.

Unfortunately I do not expect you to find others on this list who have dealt with this breeder, however we have all dealt with Health issues on our Beloved Labradors. Please do not be turned off by the initial response to your thread.

May I suggest posting in a seperate thread your concerns about Jupiter. You might be in luck and you may find someone who can offer up some advise.

Best of luck :)

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Hi Paula,

I'm sorry your Lab is having health problems. You did not mention what is going on, but some may be hereditary while others environmental.

I can understand why you might want to contact the breeder, but usually breeders who sell to pet stores are not responsible for the puppies once they leave their premises. It then becomes the store that you bought her from responsibility. Most stores offer a warranties on their puppies.

As for the breeders on here blaming the problems on the source, I must say that any breeder can produce problems, clearances or not. Genetics are unpredictable and no matter how many generations you breed on clearances, problems still occur. It may be something that you can not screen for such as epilepsy, entropion, etc. There are no statistics showing that puppies purchased through pet stores are any less healthy than those obtained by other means. And while pet stores only make up less than 8% of all dogs sold, there are many people that are happy with the dogs they've purchased and have had a healthy companion.

With that said, some people don't care where the dog comes from, they fall in love and most of the time things work out just fine. You may not agree with the way these dogs are bought and sold, but most commercial breeders and pet stores serve their purpose and produce a quality product. If they didn't, they would not stay in business very long. Like it or not, all dog breeders produce a product. They are bought and sold and we own them. Yes they are living and deserve quality care, but what constitutes quality varies from individual to individual. Just because one person may believe their dogs need to sleep on their bed every night doesn't mean the next person thinks they should sleep in garage at night. It is not my place to judge. I just breed according to what feels right for me and do not bash others who do things differently from me.

Paula, I am glad you love your Jupiter. I am sorry she is having problems. I hope she will be comfortable with you for some time to come.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I can not believe what insensitive A**holes some of you people are. I am totally disgusted. How many of us started out with a Dog from a Puppy Mill or a BYB? Did we loves that Dog any less than the Dogs(s) we bought after we knew better? This poor Woman is hurting and she came here for help. FYI, I do not own a Lab, but I do come here because I find interesting Dog related information. I used to anyhow, this thread just killed it for me.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

I'm very sorry about your dog, but I'm even more sorry for the post that were made. It's amazing how people are quick to condemn you for a mistake. The stores that sale these puppies are in business because people buy there product. We all make mistakes, and I don't care how long you do something, you can still learn. This will be a valuable lesson for you, but you don't need to be kicked when your down! Shame on those who think they are judge and jury!

Best of luck.........

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Thank you soooo much for your kind response, I'm not looking to blame anyone, I just thought I'd collect as much info as i can, Jupiter's issues most likely are not the result of her possibly being from ( I dare not say) but it bothers the h*** out of me… I feel like s*** for contributing to this if this is the case. Again people are always quick to judge, but like I said earlier animal lovers are very passionate and this whole puppy mill thing is a very sensitive issue, and I understand why, perhaps I should have given more info up front. Thank you again for all you kind words, and I apologize if I stuck a nerve. Paula and Jup:)

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Wow, I don't know why I am every surprised by the rude and insensitive remarks from breeders on this forum but you keep topping yourselves. First off Paula , I am sorry that your dog is experiencing health problems. If you bought a dog from a pet store, you may have difficulties getting contact numbers from the pet store. I can tell you my experience in adopting 2 pups from a pet store years ago ( before I realized where they came from )
For those of you on this forum who berate Paula for being so stupid as to buy a puppy from a pet store, deserves what she gets, shame on you. My 2 little dogs purchased at the pet store have been the picture of health all these years. One died at the age of 14 yrs of age and the other one remains healthy at the age of 14. They were siblings.
I can tell all you judgmental breeders that we have purchased pure bred Labradors from very well known show kennels from all over the United States over the years. We have experienced more health problems and temperament problems from all the various lines out there. Just because a puppy comes from a responsible pure bred breeder does not make for a healthy, well tempered dog.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

The best you can do for Juniper is to treat the existing problems and not waste time trying to find the breeder. Rather do some research on the internet concerning the health issues, do the best you can for him/her and have fun with your dog for as long as you can.

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Re: Jake Kruse breeder, have you heard of this guy??? Help

Another Breeder .....
The best you can do for Juniper is to treat the existing problems and not waste time trying to find the breeder. Rather do some research on the internet concerning the health issues, do the best you can for him/her and have fun with your dog for as long as you can.

This was the response I was looking for. I would have written the same thing. Buying a dog from a pet store, a BYB, a van at Walmart is like buying a toaster at a yard sale. If it works and lasts you a long time, you are lucky. If it breaks tomorrow, you shouldn't be surprised.

Breeders whose dogs end up in a pet store don't give a rats ass about the dogs. Put finding the breeder out of your mind. You might as well be looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it ain't gonna happen.

This board and several other pet boards (Just Labradors and will give you alot of support if you are looking to investigate the specific health issues and mitigate any symptoms your dog may have.

That's all you can hope you do. And then just learn a lesson. I have a BYB/puppy mill dog. My smartest ever, and we dealt with elbow dysplasia and surgery. It happens to all of us.