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Re: kennel screening - hawks

I would buy the bigger cattle panels and lay over the top..they are like 4x4 inch squares and are like 4x 16 or 20 ft. and put them over the pen....or there is a really light weight wire...welded wire that is really inexpensive that you could put over it. But actually anything even like netting would detour hawks or owls.

Re: kennel screening - hawks

Do I have to tell my Hawk story again ? [Ch.Shalane Fly By Knight , call name Hawk , there is a reason for that ]

Re: kennel screening - hawks

I string fishing line over the puppy pen. I cross cross it and then tie heavy yarn or pieces of rag to it here and there. The hawks don't come near.

Re: kennel screening - hawks

We have had a Hawk attack. When we rebuilt this year I had to knock myself up the side of the head for not ever thinking of this. We had a litter moving in and had to do something fast!

I took some cheap bird netting for the fruit trees and stretched it across and just tacked it here and there with plastic ties for a quick fix. It is still up and keeping the little birds out too. It was the easiest and best thing we have ever used.