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Re: kennel screening - hawks

Do I have to tell my Hawk story again ? [Ch.Shalane Fly By Knight , call name Hawk , there is a reason for that ]

Re: kennel screening - hawks

I string fishing line over the puppy pen. I cross cross it and then tie heavy yarn or pieces of rag to it here and there. The hawks don't come near.

Re: kennel screening - hawks

We have had a Hawk attack. When we rebuilt this year I had to knock myself up the side of the head for not ever thinking of this. We had a litter moving in and had to do something fast!

I took some cheap bird netting for the fruit trees and stretched it across and just tacked it here and there with plastic ties for a quick fix. It is still up and keeping the little birds out too. It was the easiest and best thing we have ever used.