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Re: Potomac critiques

Former board member

Maybe an email to one of the board members would elicit a faster response?

Thank you for posting this comment!!

If someone wants info that only the board can answer than for goodness sake email a board member - that seems like common sense to me!!

Why must people complain that the board members never reply here? Where is the rule that they must do that? Every once in a while this comes up and it is frustrating to me (who is not a board member) that people come on here and complain that the board doesn't respond here, when they have no obligation to do so.

Ok, off my soapbox for now.

PS - this is not directed at the OP who posted a valid question.

Re: Potomac critiques

There were a lot of dogs that got critiqued at Potomac. Judges had been away from home for at least a week. They will have to edit their notes, take care of their own dogs, go on to other assignments, unpack, get food in the house once again, pay attention to their own families and dozens of other everyday things to catch up. It wouldn't be unreasonable to wait a month or two before seeing their comments in print. You know what your dog looks like, you know what's right and wrong. Their opinion is icing on the cake. There may be things to criticize the Club for but this is not one of them. Why would they hold back critiques on purpose?