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Re: Flea and Tick??????

So the ticks have started and we used Frontline on all our girls and our cat. Well we put it on because we had pulled ticks off and it's been a week and new ticks are still being pulled out of our dogs and there something better we could be using than Frontline??? And is anyone else having this problem??

Also, our girls love love love swimming, do you think the swimming will affect the Frontline? Today is the first day they have gone swimming so that isn't what the problem is yet!


Frontline has not worked well for us for a couple of years. I now use Advantix 2 on the dogs, and Advantage on the cats. No ticks. No fleas.

Re: Flea and Tick??????

I now alternate between Advantix and Frontline Plus. One works better on fleas, the other works better on ticks. The fleas here eat Frontline Plus for breakfast.

Re: Flea and Tick??????

My sister's 14 month old lab came back lyme positive at her annual visit (as well as her house mate). The dog received all her puppy shots, including lyme vaccine, and a booster at the visit this year. She also used a flea and tick topical last year. She lives in Connecticut. Is this typical and what might cause this?