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Re: Not Dog Related/Personal - Thoughts/Advice

Find 5 people you know who could be family, friends, former colleagues or managers who you consider to be your friend. Pick those who have success in SOME field where they know other people and have a "built in" network.

Ask each individually to lunch of coffee. Tell them you appreciate their success and friendship and would like them to be on your "board of directors" of be a center of influence. They become your initial network. Pick their brains at this first session, even if they decline your offer. Who do they know who is growing a business? Who is retiring where them might be a position opening up?

None of these folks need to be in your field. I assure, you, they know people in the area who know supervisors and manager and business owners.

Ask if you can reach out to them in the coming months to get their advice and counsel. Ask them to make calls on your bahalf or at least send a "heads up" email that you will be contacting someone they have recommended.

For example;" Ann, you and I have been friends for years and I have admired they way your manage to be successful in the healthcare industry while also raising a great family. I am in the beginning process of looking for a new opportunity and want to ask if you would help me? I am creating my own "web" of centers of influence, Who might you know that might have opportunities in the future?....Something like this over coffee and a real conversation about life and work will be worth it.

The approach worked for me 9 years ago when I moved from the insurance industry to the investment industry. You DO know people, seek them out. ASK for their advice as they have the contacts you want to be introduced to. I had one attorney sit me down and go through her rolodex and make calls asking her contacts to meet with me WHILE I was there.

You can be open with your COIs, be strong and be organized to diary your calendar to contact them via phone or e-mail monthly initially and maybe quarterly later when you are up and running again. You will need them again and someday they will also need you. Good luck, it's not easy. This way works because you aren't in the traditional job search process. Outside the lines, paint outside the line!

Re: Not Dog Related/Personal - Thoughts/Advice

I want to take a minute and thank each and every one of you for the advice, ideas and over all "KEEP YOUR CHIN UP" attitude. I am taking all of this info and using it. You guys are the best!!