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Re: Milky spore for Grubs and prgenant bitches

My 14 y/o girls is eating big holes in the lawn. I hadn't thought she might be trying to get grubs--Yuck! My repro vet told me a couple of weeks ago to use nothing on my grass--not even organic until puppies are gone.

Re: Milky spore for Grubs and prgenant bitches

Thanks for the reply me too!!!! Does she get smelly yellow stool?

It's quite gross....

Re: Milky spore for Grubs and prgenant bitches

I use Milky Spore on our yard, we live on a lake so any run off of anything chemical based will go there, plus I need to be careful with the dogs,cat and the fish ponds.

The dogs are also trying to get to the moles that eat the grubs too, get rid of the grubs you'll get rid of the food supply for the moles, and have a healthy lawn too. The thing with Milky Spore is that you need to apply it for 3 years in a row, it will actually work faster the more grubs you have to seed enough into the grubs to eventually stop them. For lawn fertilizer I use Milorganite. I've yet to have a dog get sick or have ill effects from these products.