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Re: X rays when in heat?

I had one that came in shortly after being xrayed and she was Excellent. Another that came in, and due to her high drive in the field, I decided i was going to at least get the elbows on record and if hips looked okay, fine, if not, we'd re-do in 3 mos. My only regret was not having her sedated. They'd have very likely come back Excellent w/ proper positioning acc'g to the vet, but she was not a "patient" patient that day! They came back Good. Vet said he's seen some bitches be very affected by hormones yet others not. I'm not going to be terribly worried about it in the future as we can always have a "do over".

Re: X rays when in heat?

My girl just began her heat. Has anyone ever done X rays while in heat?
I see OFA says to wait but I just would like to get them out of the way.

Any input appreciated.
I know some bitches will show subluxation during or near a heat cycle. Not all do. I normally time radiographs 2 months before or after a heat cycle.

Only once I did a Final OFA Xray right before my bitch came in. She was a beautiful mover but you never know just by movement.

She came back an OFA Good but the vet in later years did some horrible radiographs for myself and other breeders, labrador and other breeds. Perhaps she would have been an OFA Exc had someone else done the placement for the films or she might have had very mild subluxation due to her coming in less then a week after the radiograph. Third option is that was her true rating at any time.

If you're prepared to re-xray if the rating is below what you would like to see then go for it. If not, I would wait especially because there is nothing that sounds pressing.

Re: X rays when in heat?

I have done it. The ones I've re-done (because they were not good or because they were prelims) came back tighter when taken at another time. Changes in the bone will look exactly the same. I also did one 3 weeks after weaning the puppies and they were way out. I re-did them and they came back good.

If you decide to do them and they don't look good, re-do them; do not take that as the final say on the hips of your girl.

Re: X rays when in heat?

The hips are NOT more lax when a bitch is in heat! There's a reason that the canine pregnancy test measures levels of RELAXIN in the blood, which is only present when the bitch is pregnant! This is the hormone that causes laxity in joints. My repro vet has no problems xraying a bitch in heat - I've done it several times - Excellent hips each time!

I say go for it!

Re: X rays when in heat?

I have to agree with most posters here. My girl came in season a week after the x-rays were taken and she came back Excellent Hips and Normal Elbows. Of course, I had an x-ray tech who knows what she is doing :)

Re: X rays when in heat?

I've done a couple of my girls when they were in season, one was on her 6th day of heat. Both got excellents

Re: X rays when in heat?

Sorry, but how do you know it's all about the person positioning for the xrays? Is it possible it could be the actual dog that does not have good hips? I agree that positioning is important, but every vet hospital I have ever worked at or ever gone to, they know how to position by now.
You could maybe say "it was the positioning" 20 years ago, but OFA has trained a lot of technicians on how to position over the last 40 years they have been in existence.
I have done xrays while the bitch was in heat, got "borderline" results, and spayed and placed the bitch after talking to the orthopedic specialist who said hormones do not make or break the xray, it's the bitch and her joint conformation. And just so people know, it's not just one factor they go by, it's 1. how well seated the ball is in the socket (50% rule), 2. how clean the margins of the ball are, and 3. the thickness of the femoral neck.
OFA can tell if the positioning is wrong and they will kick back the xray.

Re: X rays when in heat?

Don't know if one data point means anything, but I did a girl that was very close to her season and she failed OFA hips. I wanted and took her back 4 months later and she was OFA Fair. OFA recommends that you wait and they are the experts, correct?

Re: X rays when in heat?

According to a Dr Keller seminar a few weeks ago, he says wait.

So I will wait. Really? What's to be gained when what's lost is having to resubmit and not know if that was the cause. A few months wait one way or the other shouldn't make or break any huge plans.