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Re: High tail set

I don't think I have ever seen a high tail set. High tail carriages are common. It if is not too high, it is not a problem in the ring.

Re: High tail set

Always remember something Sally Bell said at a breeder seminar: 'it's a rudder, not a sail". So if the normal tail carriage looks like a sail, then it's not correct. Some young males do outgrow it, if they only have it high when excited or around other males.

Re: High tail set

Thanks anonbreeder,you are right that some young males are tempted to keep their tails high when they are excited or come across other males but i feel that it create a bad image of an excellent specimen.
Is there any remedy to rectify it or it will be settled with the age.

Re: High tail set

Time will tell if it will 'settle' - some never do and yes, not a pretty picture!