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Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

just me
I send out emails using the BCC. Just because someone bought a pup from you doesn't give them access to other people's information. In this day and age of identity concerns it is just one more way to put people at risk.

Same here. I like e-mail because they can refer back to message sent which prevents misunderstandings and confusion. For some families all the care information is so new if they've never owned a pup or dog. E-mail is great, you can respond when able and they can ask whenever they think of a question.

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

Each puppy is different. Each puppy buyer is different. Different arrangements for all. I call them and speak on the phone because I want to keep it of a personal nature. If, after all arrangements have been made, and we're just firming up times for pick up or visits, I will email each person individually. Takes more time but I think the people appreciate the effort and I don't get confused

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

just me
I send out emails using the BCC. Just because someone bought a pup from you doesn't give them access to other people's information. In this day and age of identity concerns it is just one more way to put people at risk.

Same here. I also e-mail the puppy package including my 20 pages puppy care guide. Saves time and $$$ on paper and ink and they can ask any questions before they pick up the puppy.

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

love using emails so I always have a record of what was said on both ends.
I use BCC for form emails like weekly photos, vet visits etc. And private emails for personal chats and information. I also have these emails labeled and stored in folders for that litter.
If I do chat on the phone I will go in and make notes about the conversation and store in the folder as well.

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

I create a distribution list, then add the distribution list to the BCC field when sending emails. I never release owner information to anyone. I send out weekly updates via email which inclue pics and video clips on occassion. If an owner emails me privately, I reply privately. I also make a few phone calls along the way. When setting up their "pick-up" I always do this via phone and follow-up with an email as a confirmation. This process has worked very well for me.

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

I do the same as M. I have a standard letter that goes out to people who inquire about puppies ("Thanks for your inquiry...") in which I say who I bred to whom, what color is due and about when. (I usually fudge the date to a few days later so I don't have people calling on the due date to ask if they've arrived yet, and calling while I'm in the middle of whelping!) General updates, photos, and videos are sent by BCC to protect privacy. Private emails answered privately. Phone calls returned asap. After the puppies go home and I send out the occasional group email to the latest litter (birthdays, reminders, general dog info that may be of interest) I still send out with BCC but I address it to puppies by name ("Dear Murphy, Tuckerman, Rocky, Bella, Fisher, Carson, etc.") Families seem to like knowing puppy's siblings' names.

Re: Sending email to puppy buyers

I keep emails conversations private with the individual owners. Once pups are sold, I ask if the owner is open to sharing their contact information with other puppy owners - in case they live near one another, and want to get together for a play date. Most say yes, some don't reply. I do share photos of the pups from the litter (without contact information), since most buyers spend enough tome with the litter before pups go home, and connect in someway to the other litter mates - people are curious how litter mates are doing, and growing.