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Re: Home cook diet

I used to cook my own dog food and fed along with adding a calcium supplement and vitamin mix obtained from my vet (for free!). The dogs thrived on it but working full-time shift work, a chronic back problem and the time it took (I would make and freeze about two or three weeks worth/batch, it just became a huge chore. I went back to a high quality kibble, then to raw and now back to kibble (over several years and changes in dogs). My aim is to return to raw as soon as I find a supplier closer to my new home and get a freezer. My boy who was raised on raw is having difficulty adjusting to kibble. He has one gigantic, mushy stool a day and his coat has suffered. I am currently switching him to a high quality grain-free kibble to see if that improves the situation. OK...I digress... back to OP

I used a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in season and frozen during the winter months. I varied between brown rice and oatmeal (really messy!!). I'll see if I can find my recipe book around here somewhere; I still haven't unpacked everything yet.I used to make special meals for them besides such as fresh omelettes.

Re: Home cook diet

I love the great input every has posted! :-)

Re: Home cook diet

We've been doing a "stew" for our dogs for a few years now, we change the protein out once in a while. We use it as a topper for their kibble, they love it, their coats are really nice, and I know what they're getting. Our grandkids have sampled it, they just add some pepper and salt.

We use close to the same receipe above, but don't do the rice.